Question : Flight Operations Inspectors for Aircraft-Helicopters

(a) whether there have been any helicopter crashes in the country over the past three years;

(b) if so, the details thereof, craft, operator and State/UT-wise;

(c) whether Flight Operations Inspectors (FOIs) can help in preventing such accidents;

(d) if so, the number of FOIs (including SFOI/DCFOI etc.) employed by Directorate General of Civil Aviation(DGCA) and the number of them looking after aircraft and helicopters;

(e) the types of aircraft registered in the country for which no type rated FOI is available in DGCA;

(f) whether the Ministry hires external candidates as FOIs for helicopters and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(g) the number of FOIs that have undergone training so for?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Dr Mahesh Sharma)

(a) & (b) Total Nine accidents of helicopters have taken place in the country during the years 2013 to 2106 till date. Details of the accidents are placed at Annex. "A".;

(c) Function of Flight Operations Inspectors (FOIs) is to conduct safety oversight of airline operators which includes certification, surveillance and audit of airline operators. Safety oversight is conducted to ensure compliance of applicable rules & regulations by the airline operator with the objective of increasing safety in aircraft operations.;
(d) Total no. of FOIs (including SFOI/DCFOI/CFOI) are as follows:;
S.N. Aircraft No. of FOIs;
1. Aeroplane 43;
2. Helicopter 11;
Total no. of FOIs 54;
(e) For schedule operators : Type rated FOIs are available for all aeroplane type;
For Non schedule operators; Type rated FOIs are available on nine aeroplane type i.e. P-68, B-200, Premier IA, G-200, E-135/145, C90, PC12, BD 700 & DO 228 airplane type.;

(f) No Madam.

(g) 52 FOIs have undergone training to perform functions as FOI.

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