Question : Unsafe Abortions

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the number of abortions that have been performed in a regulated medical facility during the last five years;

(b) the estimated number of illegally performed abortions during the said period;

(c) the measures being taken by the Government to reduce unsafe abortions outside medical facilities;

(d) whether the Government is aware of the Lancet Global Health Report which states that the reliable information on the incidence of induced abortion in India is lacking and official statistics and national surveys provide incomplete coverage; and

(e) if so, the details thereof along with the action taken by the Government in thisregard?

Answer given by the minister

(a): As per records entered by the States/UTs in Health Management and Information System (HMIS), a total of 61,29,333 abortions have been recorded in the period from 2014-15 to till date.

(b): Data on the numbers of illegally performed abortions is not available with the Ministry.

(c): Provision of Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) services is an important component of RMNCAH+N program under Govt. of India.
National Health Mission (NHM), provides support to the states and UTs for various activities to promote safe abortion:
• Provision of comprehensive safe abortion services at public health facilities like 24*7 PHCs/ FRUs (DHs/ SDHs/ CHCs etc.) where trained Medical Practitioners are posted.

• Provision of funds to States & UTs for procurement of equipments and drugs including pregnancy detection kits (for early detection of pregnancy).
• Capacity Building of Medical Officers on Safe abortion techniques.
• Capacity Building of ANMs, ASHAs to provide confidential counseling for safe abortion, post-abortion care and post-abortion contraception.
• Provision of funds for Information Education & Communication (IEC) material viz. CAC posters, Flipcharts, Leaflets, Asha/ANM booklets etc.
• Comprehensive Abortion Care Training and Service Delivery Guideline (2010) has been revised in 2018 and issued to all the States & UTs in the country to facilitate quality care.
• Guidance Handbook for ASHA and community health workers on Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) has been developed and disseminated to the States/ UTs.
• Certification of private and NGO sector facilities by District Level Committees to provide quality MTP services.

(d) & (e): Under MTP Rules and Regulations, 2003, monthly reporting of total number of cases of MTP in prescribed format is mandatory which is sent from MTP sites to the district authorities.

The States/UTs send compiled report on MTP cases to MoHFW on quarterly basis.

Health Management Information System (HMIS) captures the abortion related data on induced and spontaneous abortion.

National Family Health Survey captures Data on Abortion on following indicators:
o % of pregnancies resulted in abortion
o place of abortion
o person who performed abortion
o complications from abortion
o treatment for the complications place of treatment

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