Question : Export of Oilmeal and Oilmeal Products

(a) the quantum of oilmeal and oilmeal products exported to major countries, quantity and country-wise during the last three years and the current year indicating the share of India’s oilmeal exports in global exports;
(b) whether the export of oilmeal products from the country has declined during the last three years and the current year and if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor;
(c) whether the Government has assessed the impact of decline in export of oilmeal, if so, the details and the outcome thereof;
(d) whether the Government is considering to implement any special incentive scheme to encourage oilmeal production in the country and if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the steps being taken by the Government to boost the export of agricultural products including oilmeals?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Details of India’s export of oil meals to different countries for the last 3 years and current year (upto November ''''18) and India’s share in World exports are at Annexure - I

(b) No Madam. There has been no decline in India’s export of oilmeals during the last three years and the current year.
(c) Does not arise in view of (b) above.
(d) Soybean meal constitute major share (more than 60%) in export of all oilmeals. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) on export of soyabean meal has been increased to 10% from 7% w.e.f. 13th July, 2018. MEIS @ 5% is available on export of other oilmeals (except groundnut oilmeal).
(e) The Government has come up with a comprehensive Agriculture Export Policy to boost the export of agricultural products. The Department of Commerce also has several schemes to promote exports, including exports of agricultural products, viz. Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES), Market Access Initiatives (MAI) Scheme, Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) etc. In addition, assistance to the exporters of agricultural products is also available under the Export Promotion Schemes of Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Tobacco Board, Tea Board, Coffee Board, Rubber Board and Spices Board. These organisations also seek to promote exports through participation in international fairs & exhibitions, taking initiatives to gain market access for different products in different markets, dissemination of market intelligence, taking steps to ensure quality of exported products etc.

Annexure – I

India’s export of oil meals to different countries for the last 3 years and current year
(upto November ''''18)

Commodity: Oilmeals: HS code 2304,2305,2306 Qty (Ton)/ Val in Million USD
Country 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19*
(upto Nov''18)
Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value
BANGLADESH 242662 83.35 431980 154.76 649824 211.98 306074 113.89
VIETNAM 376845 69.16 316103 66.19 553458 116.09 392212 81.17
KOREA 710365 123.70 587796 90.78 602195 102.40 520542 106.57
FRANCE 13146 4.08 182975 69.43 233615 87.76 129053 51.84
NEPAL 111160 47.78 187711 73.91 216121 83.33 121626 52.15
GERMANY 416 0.22 55313 23.86 164570 70.59 57644 29.74
U S A 17721 12.88 50640 36.13 96235 60.70 116081 71.84
JAPAN 53175 25.32 217346 84.63 126753 50.61 98673 41.09
THAILAND 67978 19.87 55602 17.92 172844 44.90 200202 49.64
MYANMAR 37676 17.00 75691 29.02 109491 41.71 51988 18.45
OTHER COUNTRIES 425220 149.65 471098 158.82 645673 223.10 537357 201.75
Total 2056364 553.01 2632255 805.45 3570779 1093.16 2531452 818.13
* Figures for 2018-19 are provisional and subject to change.
Share of India''s oilmeal exports (in Million USD) vis-à-vis World Export (in Million USD)

Year All countries export India''s export India''s Share (%)
2015 32273.04 833.31 2.58
2016 30162.00 579.68 1.92
2017 28239.57 1157.96 4.10

Note 1: The data on World trade has been obtained from UN Comtrade database. The data is calculated in calendar year in the UN Comtrade database.

Note : Figures for the calendar year 2018 is not available.

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