(a) the details of per hectare production of rice, wheat and pulses in the country during the last three years, State-wise and year-wise; and

(b) the details of the measures taken by the Government to match the agricultural growth rate particularly the pulses with the rate of population increase?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The required information may be seen from the enclosed Annexures I and II.

(b): The demand projections for foodgrains (normative approach), made by the Working Group on Crop Husbandry, Demand and Supply Projections and Agricultural inputs for the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007), are based on the assumption that the population would rise by 1.9% per annum during the Tenth Plan. During 2002-03 agricultural growth turned out to be negative due to the severe drought which affected agricultural production and productivity in several parts of the country. However, the favourable rainfall during the current year has brightened the prospects of agricultural growth during 2003-04. The Mid-Year Review released by the Ministry of Finance in November, 2003 has indicated a growth of more than 8 per cent in agriculture and allied sectors during 2003-04. Government of India have been implementing a number of schemes/programmes for improving irrigation facilities and rural infrastructure. These include Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme for expeditious completion of ongoing major & medium irrigation projects, National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas, Integrated Wasteland Development Programme, etc. which are being continued during the 10th Plan. Besides, with a view to pass on the benefit of declining interest rates to agriculture sector, public sector banks have reduced their lending rates for agriculture to a maximum of 9 percent per annum on crop loans up to a ceiling of Rs.50,000. These schemes/programmes are expected to go a long way in improving agricultural production and productivity during the 10th Plan.

For increasing the production of pulses in the country, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Pulses Development Project (NPDP) is being implemented in 30 States/UTs in 356 districts on 75:25 pattern between Government of India and the States. Under NPDP Scheme incentives are being provided to the farmers for production and distribution of certified seeds, seed minikit, Rizobium culture, micronutrients, sprinkler sets, improved farm implement, Plant Protection equipments, so as to motivate them to take up the cultivation of pulses on large scale. Besides this, for effective transfer of improved pulse production technology, field demonstrations on farmers’ fields and farmers’ trainings are also being organized.


State-wise and Year-wise per hectare production of Rice, Wheat and Pulses during 1999-2000, 2000-01 and 2001-02.

State/UT	Rice	Wheat	Total Pulses
1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Andhra Pradesh 2650 2936 2978 667 571 714 486 554 595 Arunachal Pradesh 1099 1119 1126 1308 1409 1395 1000 1115 1059 Assam 1459 1511 1524 1289 1219 1181 552 559 558 Bihar 1450 1489 1480 2186 2146 2056 863 865 802 Chhattisgarh - 629 1374 - 1022 1024 - 400 514 Goa 3684 2484 2561 - - - 882 889 894 Gujarat 1482 810 1549 2116 2268 2435 579 300 525 Haryana 2385 2557 2652 4165 4106 4103 571 622 796 Himachal Pradesh 1501 1533 1705 1574 693 1609 470 629 416 Jammu & Kashmir 1561 1700 1689 1768 529 1325 490 471 472 Jharkhand - 1111 1111 - 1626 1626 - 825 807 Karnataka 2564 2593 2236 833 917 754 442 467 399 Kerala 2204 2162 2218 - - - 796 797 795 Madhya Pradesh 1191 575 948 1863 1471 1642 766 640 789 Maharashtra 1684 1276 1751 1369 1257 1388 613 460 555 Manipur 2323 2431 2382 - - - - 525 517 Meghalaya 1604 1679 1697 1628 1643 1643 742 745 745 Mizoram 1779 1998 1893 - - - 1780 1625 1560 Nagaland 892 1533 1516 2500 2000 2500 794 827 849 Orissa 1127 1041 1589 1305 1466 1514 387 352 379 Punjab 3347 3506 3545 4696 4563 4532 688 740 670 Rajasthan 1262 936 1247 2540 2402 2793 360 308 425 Sikkim 1472 1408 1420 1580 1403 1273 910 852 862 Tamil Nadu 3481 3541 3263 - 1000 - 431 455 426 Tripura 2178 2129 2477 1846 2000 2000 587 584 604 Uttar pradesh 2176 1977 2120 2764 2724 2755 968 803 884 Uttaranchal - 1988 2056 - 1885 1933 - 765 635 West Bengal 2237 2287 2514 2336 2485 2215 768 800 703 A & N Islands 2679 2954 2786 - - - 333 571 500 D & N Haveli 1674 1471 1430 1500 1600 2000 763 877 848 Delhi 827 820 819 919 3522 919 333 571 250 Daman & Diu 3733 1600 2222 - - - 1000 1000 846 Pondicherry 2339 2433 2420 - - - 672 600 538 All India 1986 1901 2086 2778 2708 2770 635 544 609

State-wise and Year-wise per hectare production of Rice, Wheat and Pulses during 2002-03 (4th Advance Estimates)
(Kg./Hectare) State/UT Rice Wheat Pulses 1 2 3 4 Andhra Pradesh 2699 583 472 Assam 1508 1197 134 Bihar 1407 2107 865 Chhattisgarh 710 1010 477 Gujarat 1156 1769 463 Haryana 2724 4056 660 Himachal Pradesh 1036 1515 667 Jammu & Kashmir 2098 1410 491 Jharkhand 1430 1625 978 Karnataka 2034 714 300 Kerala 2184 - 727 Madhya Pradesh 1167 1649 606 Maharashtra 1236 1307 506 Orissa 786 1333 366 Punjab 3538 4511 896 Rajasthan 810 2412 345 Tamil Nadu 3380 - 422 Uttar pradesh 1836 2844 861 Uttaranchal 1707 1825 674 West Bengal 2777 2211 831 Others 1515 1208 868 All-India 1874 2747 536