Question : Financial Assistance to Zoological Parks

(a) whether the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) grants financial assistance to the zoological parks in the country for various activities related to the zoos;
(b) if so, the details of the financial assistance given by CZA during each of the last three years and the current year, zoo-wise;
(c) whether the Government keeps track of the total number of elephants kept in human captivity and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the stringent procedural safeguards are in place for rearing elephants in captivity and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether there is a upward trend in the number of sudden death of the elephants kept in human custody; and
(f) if so, the details thereof and the corrective measures taken/being taken by the Government to save such elephants in captivity?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) Financial assistance is provided by the Central Zoo Authority to zoos subject to availability of Grant-in-aid from the Government of India as per "Guidelines for prioritizing Grant of financial assistance provided by the CZA during last three years and current year is annexed as Annex-I.

( c ) Number of elephants housed in recognized zoos is reported to the Central Zoo Authority under Rule 11 (1) of the Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009. Details are annexed at Annex-II.

(d) Yes, Sir, in case of recognized zoos, standard and norms pertaining to housing, upkeep and healthcare of captive animals in general and elephants in particular are prescribed in the Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009 and Guidelines thereunder. Further, in view of welfare of captive elephants housed in zoos, the CZA has published.

1. Guidelines for upkeep of elephants in zoos.
2. Guidelines for management and maintenance of elephants in Circuses.
3. Standards, Guidelines and Protocol on Disease Diagnosis and Cure of wild animals in Indian Zoos.
4. Project Report on a ''Common foot ailments in captive Asian elephants of South India;
5. Manual on Health and Nutritional Management of wild animals in Indian Zoos.
6. Manual on Chemical immobilization of wild animals.
7. Manual for Biological sample collection and preservation for Genetic Reproductive and Disease analyses.
8. Protocols for Transportation of wild animals.
9. Handbook on Techniques and Procedure for post-mortem of elephants.

(e) and (f) No Sir, based on the reasons of death reported by zoos, there is no upward trend in sudden death off elephants housed in zoos.


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