Question : Revenue Generation from Tourism

(a) the details of the ongoing schemes for the development and promotion of tourism and the number of tourism infrastructure projects prioritised/sanctioned during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Maharashtra;
(b) the revenue generated from tourism during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise and the manner in which the revenue earned is utilised;
(c) the details of the States which have earned the maximum revenue from tourism during the last three years and the current year and the details of those States which has got huge tourism potential but are unable to tap it;
(d) whether the Union Government has received proposals from various States for the development and promotion of tourism and allocation of funds therefor;
(e) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of such proposals received and the number of projects sanctioned and funds allocated, State/UT-wise including Andaman & Nicobar Islands; and
(f) whether the earnings from heritage sites in the country have decreased during the last one year and if so, the details thereof and the action taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): The major schemes of the Ministry of Tourism for development and promotion of tourism in the country are:

i) Swadesh Darshan - Integrated Development of Theme Based Tourist Circuits
ii) Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Heritage Augmentation Drive (PRASHAD)
iii) Assistance to Central Agencies for Tourism Infrastructure Development
iv) Domestic Promotion and Publicity including Hospitality
v) Restructured Scheme of Overseas Promotion & Publicity including Market Development Assistance
vi) Assistance to IHMs/FCIs/IITTM/ICI/ NCHMCT etc.
vii) Capacity Building for Service Providers
viii) Champion Services Sector Scheme
ix) Safe Tourist Destinations for Women

The development and promotion of tourism is primarily the responsibility of the concerned State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations for tapping the potential of the tourism destinations within their States/UTs. However, the Ministry of Tourism provides financial assistance to State Governments/Union Territory Administrations under the Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD and Assistance to Central Agencies Schemes as well as for organizing fairs/festivals & tourism related events under Domestic Promotion & Publicity including Hospitality (DPPH) Scheme for the development & promotion of tourism in the country.

Proposals are received from State Governments/Union Territory Administrations from time to time for seeking financial assistance under the above schemes of the Ministry of Tourism. These proposals are examined in context of the scheme guidelines and financial assistance is extended for projects subject to fulfilment of the stipulated provisions and availability of funds.

The details of the projects sanctioned for development of tourism infrastructure under the Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD and Assistance to Central Agencies Schemes as well as financial assistance provided for organizing fairs/festivals & tourism related events under Domestic Promotion & Publicity including Hospitality (DPPH) Scheme in different States/UTs including the State of Maharashtra and the UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is at Annexure-I.

Data pertaining to revenue generated through tourism and revenue utilised by State/UT is not maintained by the Ministry of Tourism. However, the details of Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism in India during the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 is given below:

Year Foreign Exchange Earnings
(in Rs. crore)
2018 # 1,94,881
2019 # 2,11,661
2020 # 50,136

#: Revised Estimates

(f): The COVID – 19 pandemic situation indeed had an impact in revenue generated through ticketed monuments/sites under Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

To augment the situation, ASI has taken proactive steps by opening all the 143 ticketed monuments/sites to visitors to gain momentum in footfalls. The revenue generated from the sale of entry fee at monuments/sites for the past three years is at Annexure-II.

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