Question : Agreements with Israel

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the details of agreements signed with Israel recently regarding cyber security, defence, science, technology etc., besides the details of other subjects of special discussion, in public interest;

(b) whether negotiations were held on terrorism between India and Israel and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government proposes to revive the defence deals worth 3.2 thousand crores which were rescinded earlier; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) At the invitation of our Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel visited India from 14-19 January, 2018. During the visit following MoUs/Agreements/Memorandum/Letters of Intent were signed in the fields of cyber, air transport, Film co-production, energy, homeopathy and space.

No. MoUs / Agreement / Protocol / Letter of Intents Details
Government to Government
1 Protocol between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the State of Israel on Amendments to the Air Transport Agreement This Protocol envisages entering into cooperative marketing arrangements, such as code share, bloc space or any other JV agreement for the purpose of operating the agreed services on the specified routes.
2 MoU between the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Energy of the State of Israel on Cooperation in Oil and Gas Sector Through this MoU both the sides are looking to explore opportunities of long-term cooperative relationship and joint economic projects to enhance bilateral engagements in the field of Oil and Gas, inter-alia including collaboration in upstream sector activities; R&D and Technology; promoting institutional linkages between Universities and R&D establishment for mutually beneficial collaboration; and in the area of Start-ups.
3 MoU between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the State of Israel on Cyber Security Cooperation It envisages cooperation in the field of cyber security to develop, promote and expand cooperation in the field of HRD through various platforms and arrangements such as training programmes, skill development, and simulator based hands-on training. It also envisages collaborating in the field of cyber security resilience, promoting B2B cooperation in cyber security and facilitating industrial summits.
4 Agreement on Film-co-production between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Republic of India This envisages to establish a framework for encouraging all audio visual media output, especially the co-production of films for the benefit of the film industries of both the countries and contribute to the economic growth of the film, TV, video and new media production for further development of cultural and technologies ties.

Government to Non-Government
5 MoU between the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH and the Centre for Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center on Cooperation in the field of Research in Homeopathic Medicine Envisages cooperation in the field of Research in Homeopathic Medicine, inter alia including establishment of a joint working group.
6 MoU between the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) and the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology for cooperation in the field of space
Envisages for cooperation in the areas of mutual interest in the field of space by establishment of JWG for research, educational and training programmes.
7 Memorandum of Intent (MoI) between Invest India, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and Invest in Israel of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, Government of Israel concerning the Promotion of Bilateral Direct Investments in India and Israel The purpose of this instrument is supporting and developing cooperation between the two sides through exchange of information on investment opportunities, relevant laws and regulations, policies and government initiatives.
8 Letter of Intent for joint R&D between Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) and Phinergy Ltd. of Israel This envisages to encourage joint R&D, deployment and manufacturing activities in the area of metal-air batteries for an array of applications, as stationary energy storage systems, electric mobility solutions etc.
9 Letter of Intent for cooperation between Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) and Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd. Of Israel. This LoI intends to encourage joint research activities in the area of concentrated solar thermal technologies including concentrated solar power generation, solar fuels, solar thermal storage materials, technologies, systems & concepts.

During the visit, both the sides held extensive discussions on various areas of mutual interest viz. agriculture, water, science & technology, cyber, energy, trade & investment, defence & security and air connectivity. During the visit, PM Netanyahu paid tribute at the renamed Teen Murti Haifa memorial to the Indian soldiers who had fallen at the Battle of Haifa in 1918. PM Netanyahu participated in the 2nd India-Israel CEO Forum meeting, Business Summit, Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi and visited i-CREATE (International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology) and held Interactions with innovators/Start-up CEOs in Ahmedabad. He also visited Centre of Excellence for fruits and vegetables at Vadrad, Gujarat and jointly inaugurated the Centre of Excellence for Date Palms at Bhuj through video link. Both the sides decided to exchange a hundred member youth delegation in the science stream.

(b) No specific negotiation on terrorism were held with Israel during the visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu to India.

(c) & (d) No such proposal is pending with the Government.

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