(a) whether the Government have decided to make certain amendments in Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether any suggestions/requests from public, environmentalists and State Governments have been invited and received during the last three years and current year till date;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and

(e) the action taken by the Government on each such requests / suggestions ?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c),(d) & (e) A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 213 for 18/3/2002 asked by Shri Ram Mohan Gadde and Shri M. V. V. S. Murthi regarding `Amendments to Coastal Regulation Zone Notification.`

(a), (b), (c), (d) & (e): During the last three years the Government have received several suggestions from the Governments of Coastal States / Union Territories, environmentalists and others for amending the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991 which inter-alia included harvesting of salt by solar evaporation in intertidal areas, mining of limestone within CRZ area in Gujarat, relaxation of CRZ for taking up development of housing projects in Maharashtra, relaxation for developing coastal tourism projects in Goa, reduction of CRZ for constructing dwelling units along backwaters of Kerala, mining of sand in CRZ areas in Andaman & Nicobar (A&N) Islands and reduction of CRZ for the islands of A&N and Lakshadweep.

After taking into consideration the above suggestions, the Government had issued amendments to CRZ Notification, 1991 which provide for mining of sand in the CRZ area in Andaman & Nicobar Island on year to year basis, storage and regasification of Liquefied Natural Gas in CRZ areas, exploration of oil and natural gas in intertidal area and reclamation for water front and fore shore requiring activities.

A draft Notification inviting objections / suggestions from the public has also been issued vide SO No. 51 (E) on 11.1.2002 which inter-alia provides for
(i) reduction in CRZ area upto 50 meters or width of the rivers, creeks or backwaters whichever is less for specified stretches to permit construction of dwelling units for local inhabitants subject to certain conditions,
(ii) permitting construction of housing schemes of State Urban Development Authorities which were commenced prior to 19.02.1991 in CRZ II areas,
(iii) doing away with the `No Development Zone` in the notified Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and within existing notified port limits,
(iv) permitting dwelling units and infrastructure facilities for the local inhabitants within CRZ III areas subject to certain conditions and
(v) salt harvesting by solar evaporation in intertidal areas.

The notification is required to be finalised within 365 days from the date of issue of the draft notification.

Possible supplementary questions for the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 213 for 18/3/2002 asked by Shri Ram Mohan Gadde and Shri M. V. V. S. Murthi regarding `Amendments to Coastal Regulation Zone Notification.`


1.	State and Union Territory wise suggestions received requesting amendments to be made	in Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,1991 and the action taken by the Government.

2. What is Coastal Regulation Zone Notification about?

3. What are the prohibited activities in CRZ notification ?

4. What are the Permissible Activities in CRZ notification ?

5. What are classifications of the coast in CRZ ? 6. What are the restrictions on construction of beach resorts ?

7 Have the Coastal Zone Management Plans been prepared for the coastal areas ?

8. How is the Monitoring and Enforcement of the CRZ Notification done ?

9. What are the steps taken by the Ministry to prevent destruction of mangroves and corals? 10. Has Government permitted construction of houses in CRZ I areas ? 11. Has Government agreed to permit Slum Rehabilitation Schemes in CRZ areas ? 12. What are the findings of Sukthankar Committee report which was constituted to study the issues of Mumbai. 13. What are the findings of Fr. Saldanha Committee which was constituted to examine the issues pertaining to dwelling units in Coastal Regulation Zone areas?

1. State and Union Territory wise suggestions received requesting amendments to be made in Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,1991 and the action taken by the Government are as follows:

S.No.	State/UT	Suggestions made	Action Taken
+ 1. Gujarat To permit harvesting of salt by Solar Not agreed to. Evaporation in Inter tidal areas.
To permit mining of limestone within CRZ area. Included in the draft notification no. S.O 51(E) dated 11.1.2002
+ 2 Maharashtra To relax floor space index/floor area ratio Not agreed to. for dwelling units in Coastal Regulation Zone- II areas.
+ To permit construction of housing schemes of Urban Development Authorities which had been approved prior to 19th February, 1991 in CRZ -II areas.
+ To permit development of missing links in Coastal Regulation Zone- I areas.

Included in the draft amending notification Not agreed to. issued vide SO 51 (E) dated 11th January, 2002.
3 Daman & Diu To reclassify certain stretches of Daman Detailed reclassification as CRZ II areas proposal from the UT Administration has not been received.
4 Goa To relax the provisions of CRZ for certain Not agreed to. stretches for taking up tourism projects.
+ 5 Kerala To relax CRZ along back water systems for constructing dwelling units.
+ To permit dwelling units within No Not agreed to Development Zone of CRZ III.
+ To permit tourism projects within No Development Zone.
Included in the draft notification No. S.O. 51(E) dated 11th January, 2002. Not agreed to

+ 6 A & N Islands. To permit mining of sand within CRZ areas.

+ To reduce the CRZ area based on the geography of the island.
CRZ Notification 1991 has been amended for permitting sand mining in certain identified areas of A&N Islands, on year to year basis. Not agreed to
7 Lakshadweep To reduce the CRZ area based on the geography CRZ extent reduced Islands of the island. to 50 / 20 mts for 14 identified islands.

10. Has Government permitted construction of houses in CRZ I areas ?

No. The Government has not permitted construction of dwelling units in the Ecologically Sensitive Areas or the intertidal areas which are categorised as CRZ I.

11. Has Government agreed to permit Slum Rehabilitation Schemes in CRZ areas ?

All developments in CRZ II area should be as per the norms laid down in the CRZ Notification 1991. The FSI/FAR for constructions in CRZ II areas shall be as per the norms that existed prior to 19th February 1991. Any constructions with higher FSI are not permitted.

8. How is the Monitoring and Enforcement of the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification done?

The Central Government has constituted state level Coastal Zone Management Authorities which consists of officials of the respective States/UT dealing with various issues of coastal zone and experts in the field of coastal zone management, marine biology, ecology etc. The basic role of these Authorities is to ensure monitoring and enforcement of the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification. The Authorities are, thereof, vested with powers, under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure monitoring and enforcement of the existing Regulations. The composition of these Authorities includes representatives of various departments of the State/Union Territory Government and experts from outside the Government. These Authorities examine the issues relating to the Coastal Zone Management as well as wider issues relating to the development of an integrated approach towards coastal zone management.

12. What ate the findings of Sukthanker Committee report which was constituted to study the issues of Mumbai.

The Sukthanker Committee was constituted by the Ministry to examine some of the Coastal Regulation Zone issues of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai which included increase of FSI and FAR for constructions to be taken up in Coastal Regulation Zone II areas, development of housing schemes of the state Governments, construction of missing links of roads in certain stretches of Coastal Regulation Zone, reclassification of coastal stretches of Navi Mumbai. The recommendations of the committee are as follows:

-	To permit 51 slum rehabilitation scheme projects which were approved on or	before 12/10/1998 in Coastal Regulation Zone II in Mumbai.
-	To permit reconstruction of dilapidated buildings in Mumbai with higher FSI.
-	To permit development in selected sites in 161 Versova.
-	To permit construction of missing links after EIA studies.
-	To permit development in Navi Mumbai after appropriate amendment in the Coastal	Regulation Zone Notification, 1991.

The comments on the report have been received from the State Government of Maharashtra. Necessary action would be taken after examining the comments and report.

13. What are the findings of Fr. Saldanha Committee which was constituted to examine the issues pertaining to dwelling units in Coastal Regulation Zone areas ?

The Ministry had constituted a committee to examine the issues pertaining to dwelling units in coastal stretches and along the banks of tidal influenced water bodies. The committee had submitted the report which recommended certain criteria to be adopted while taking up developments in coastal stretches and along tidal influenced waterbodies. A draft notification was issued on 4th August , 1999 which were based on the recommendations of the above committee. However this draft amendment could not be finalised on account of the Writ Petition in the High court of Delhi.

Keeping in view the intriem direction of the High Court, the suggestions made by the State Governments and the recommendation of the committee a draft notification has been issued on 11th January, 2002 which include the criteria to be followed for the purpose of reducing Coastal Regulation Zone area along tidal influenced waterbodies for constructing dwelling units for local inhabitants.