Question : Jobs on Compassionate Ground

(a) whether the Government has any data with regard to the deaths of their staff during their service period/on duty and if so, details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(b) the number of jobs given to the kins/dependents on compassionate ground in each of the last five years, State/UT-wise; and

(c) the number of cases pending with the Government with regard to giving jobs on compassionate ground to the dependents of the deceased Staff who died during their service period and the action taken by the Government to resolve these pending cases?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes Sir. Details of staff who died during service/on duty during the last five years i.e. 2016 to 2020 are as below :-

I. Department of Posts - 3628
II. Department of Telecommunications - 30

(b) Details of the number of jobs given to the kins/dependents on compassionate grounds for the last five years Circle- wise and year-wise are given in Appendix-I.

(c) A total number of 2648 cases in Department of Posts and 35 cases in Department of Telecommunications including carry forward cases for giving jobs on compassionate grounds to the dependents of the deceased staff are pending. Government takes prompt action to ensure that all formalities related to compassionate appointments are completed in time bound manner. However, the number of vacancies reserved for compassionate appointments fall short as these can be only 5% of the total DR vacancy of the recruitment year as per existing rules on the subject matter.

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