Question : Renewable Energy Projects

(a) the details of new and renewable energy schemes/projects and funds earmarked in current financial year in the country, State-wise including Maharashtra;
(b) whether the Government has utilised the earmarked funds for the development of renewable energy schemes/projects in the country during each of the last two years;
(c) if so, the details of the implementation of the schemes/projects completed or being completed; and
(d) the details of funds sanctioned and utilised for the renewable energy schemes/projects and development of infrastructure; scheme and State-wise including Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) The state-wise details of renewable energy capacity addition (including large hydro) during the years 2020-21 and 2021-22(upto 31-10-2021) in the country including the state of Maharashtra are given at Annexure-I and II respectively.

Further, details of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) released by the Ministry to various implementing agencies in the country including the state of Maharashtra for implementation of renewable energy projects during the years 2020-21 and 2021-22 is given in Annexure-III.

To ensure proper utilization of the funds, MNRE obtains periodic physical & financial progress reports, utilization certificates & audited statements of expenditure from state agencies. Periodic review meetings are also held with the State Departments/State Nodal Agencies and other stakeholder for timely utilization of funds. Further, periodic inspection of projects are also undertaken by the Ministry.


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