Question : Empowerment of Women

(a) the details of the schemes being implemented for empowerment of women and development of children in the country;
(b) the amount of funds allocated/ released/ utilised therefor and achievements made thereunder during each of the last three years and the current year, scheme, State/UT-wise including Maharashtra; and
(c) whether the Government maintains data about the Voluntary Organisations (VOs)/ NGOs funded under various schemes for women, if so, the details thereof during the last three years, State/UT-wise;
(d) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(e) the utilisation status of such funds during the said period?

Answer given by the minister

(a) The details of the schemes being implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development for empowerment of women and development of children in the country are as under:

1. Anganwadi Services: Under Anganwadi Services, a package of six services is provided to Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers and to Children under the age of 6 years i.e. (i) Supplementary Nutrition (SNP); (ii) Pre-school Non-formal Education; (iii) Nutrition & Health Education; (iv) Immunization; (v) Health Check-up, and (vi) Referral Services. Three of the six services, viz., Immunization, Health check-up and Referral Services are related to health and are provided through NRHM & Public Health Infrastructure.

2. One Stop Centre and Universalization of Women Helplines: Women Welfare Division is administering two schemes from Nirbhaya Fund namely One Stop Centre and Universalization of Women Helplines. The One Stop Centres (OSCs), popularly known as Sakhi Centres, aim to facilitate women affected by violence (including domestic violence) with a range of integrated services under one roof such as Police facilitation, medical aid, providing legal aid and legal counselling, psycho-social counselling, temporary shelter etc. The Women Helpline (WHL) Scheme provides 24

hours emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence, both in public and private spaces by linking them with appropriate authority such as Police, One Stop Centre, Hospital, Legal Services etc. WHL also supports women in distress with rescue van and counselling services in addition to providing information about women welfare schemes and programs across the country. Women can dial 181 short code to avail services from Women Helpline.

3. Swadhar Greh Scheme: The SwadharGreh Scheme is is being implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for women who are victims of difficult circumstances in need of institutional support for rehabilitation so that they could lead their life with dignity.

4. Ujjawala Scheme: The Ujjawala Scheme is being implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and for Rescue, Rehabilitation, Re-integration and Repatriation of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.

5. Working Women Hostel: Working Women Hostel Scheme is implemented by the Government with the objective to provide safe and conveniently located accommodation for working women, with day care facility for their children, wherever possible, in urban, semi urban, or even rural areas where employment opportunity for women exist.

6. Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG): is a Centrally-sponsored scheme which aims at providing nutritional support to out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years for improving their health and nutritional status under the nutrition component on one hand and motivates them to go back to formal schooling, provides life skill training, accessing public services etc. under non-nutrition component on the other hand.

7. POSHAN Abhiyaan: POSHAN Abhiyaan, launched on 8th March, 2018 aims to address malnutrition issues across the nation through components like ICT Application, Convergence, Community Mobilization, Behavioural Change & Jan Andolan, Capacity Building, Incentives and Awards, and Innovations.

8. BetiBachaoBetiPadhao (BBBP) : BetiBachaoBetiPadhao (BBBP) Scheme was launched on 22nd January 2015 with an aim to address declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related issues of empowerment of girls and women over a life cycle continuum. The objective of the scheme are, to prevent gender biased sex selective elimination, to ensure survival and protection of the girl child and to ensure education and participation of the girl child. The key elements of the scheme include nation-wide media and advocacy campaign and multi-sectoral intervention in selected districts.

9. Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): The Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme was approved in November, 2017 as a centrally sponsored scheme to empower rural women through community participation. The aims to facilitate inter-sectoral convergence of schemes and programs meant for women. The scheme is implemented through State Governments and UT Administrations with a cost sharing ratio of 60:40 between Centre and States except for North East & Special Category States where the funding ratio is 90:10. For Union Territories 100% central funding is provided.

10. Child Protection Services Scheme: The Ministry is implementing Child Protection Services Scheme under the Mission Vatsalya scheme (erstwhile Integrated Child Protection Scheme) since 2009-10 for supporting the children in difficult circumstances. Under the scheme institutional care is provided through Child Care Institutes (CCIs), as a rehabilitative measure. The programmes and activities in Homes inter-alia include age-appropriate education, access to vocational training, recreation, health care, counselling etc. Under the non-institutional care component, support is extended for adoption, foster care and sponsorship. Further CPS also provides for “After care” services after the age of 18 years to help sustain them during the transition from institutional to independent life. The primary responsibility of execution of the Act and implementation of Scheme rests with the States/UTs.

11. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is a Centrally Sponsored Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme, for implementation across the country with effect from 01.01.2017. The maternity benefit under PMMVY is available to all Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers (PW&LM), excluding PW&LM who are in regular employment with the Central Government or the State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) or those who are in receipt of similar benefits under any law for the time being in force, for first living child of family. Under the scheme Rs.5,000/- are provided to the eligible beneficiary in three installments during pregnancy and lactation in response to individual fulfilling certain nutrition and health seeking conditions. The eligible beneficiary also receives the remaining cash incentive as per approved norms towards maternity benefit under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) after institutional delivery so that on an average, a woman gets Rs.6,000/-.

(b) the amount of funds allocated/ released/ utilised thereof and achievements made thereunder during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise including Maharashtra in respect of these schemes are placed at Annexure-I

(c) & (d) Funds under these schemes are released to State/UTs/Districts directly.

(e) Does not arise


The details of fund released and utilised under Anganwadi Services scheme during last three years and current year
(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sl. No. State/UTs Fund released during 2018-19
APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized
PRADESH 39530.13 37353.55 36412.22 28884.89 32895.05 27789.58
2 BIHAR 70750.25 76987.83 74301.2 47613.06 36974.64 39823.31
3 CHHATTISGARH 27099.81 24279.95 20252.58 23943.28 28735.52 28735.52
4 GOA 863.98 859.5 844.9 721.02 778.06 621.47
5 GUJARAT 32535.82 32051.56 23392.34 25716.23 29206.4 32295.14
6 HARYANA 7645.58 7305.22 4195.22 13080.7 13276.2 11679.89
7 JHARKHAND 29083.25 29083.25 27373.26 19003.49 18797.43 16865.29
8 KARNATAKA 49589.22 43588.97 38759.92 31161.5 43506.22 25101.72
9 KERALA 10784.8 10785.38 13006.73 15699.34 17058 14631.48
PRADESH 63241.34 64088.78 65209.8 47132.09 50633.1 37433.09
11 MAHARASHTRA 55055.2 106535.22 76557.08 50947.2 56705.31 43698.32
12 ODISHA 46408.23 43450.56 44825.99 32117.23 33841.79 33443.35
13 PUNJAB 7488.18 3744.1 5327.15 12981.63 13411.95 13877.81
14 RAJASTHAN 33221.84 34950.74 29599.82 27873.05 29085.81 27522.08
15 TAMIL NADU 37246.57 37271.35 36839.02 23379.78 26488.7 17400.46
16 TELANGANA 21170.5 22045.61 21398.84 17816.79 21257.53 19260.18
17 UTTAR PRADESH 156155.99 104579.08 150232.24 80195.01 85548.34 73011.82
18 WEST BENGAL 54420 68046.87 67871.56 51081.49 54839.34 28286.44
19 DELHI 6762.17 3474.65 5609.01 5479.59 5457.19 4085.32
20 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 447.65 452.11 163.33
PRADESH 6976.22 6976.21 6957.88 18179.26 24112.44 17038.94
22 JAMMU &
KASHMIR 4257.02 2128.5 7330 29614 34361.46 30376.57
23 UTTARAKHAND 12090.44 13612.57 15423.98 17648.3 18465.2 16712.74
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 369.94 369.94 298.46 756.8 883.04 883.04
25 CHANDIGARH 769.72 769.72 769.72 553.9 634.14 634.14
26 D. &
NAGAR HAVELI 168.86 168.86 168.86 300.97 354.23 354.23
27 DAMAN & DIU 170.08 170.08 170.08 76.45 97.13 97.13
28 LAKSHADWEEP 100.26 100.26 100.26 169.44 245.2 245.2
PRADESH 5010.68 4411.4 4470.65 7528.29 7375.84 9671.02
30 ASSAM 45037.9 30597.01 34050.78 50802.45 49561.1 57546.8
31 MANIPUR 5089.02 7134.08 4465.34 9709.45 8892.39 16712.74
32 MEGHALAYA 10468.21 12364.04 12364.04 5613.68 4996.77 5912.73
33 MIZORAM 2242.64 1843.36 1817.23 2544.32 2493.46 2475.98
34 NAGALAND 7588.35 8231.2 6906.86 4828.28 3721 5674.74
35 SIKKIM 751.11 450.66 484.4 1430 1500.36 1500.36
36 TRIPURA 7488.55 7781.78 7781.78 8940.65 9406.72 7951.4
Total 857631.86 847591.84 845569.2 713971.26 766049.17 669513.36
Note: (1) Funds are released out of approved allocation after adjusting unspent balances / excess expenditure incurred by the States/UTs in the previous year.

(2) The funds are released to the States/UTs are more than the Approved allocation because of increase in rate of honorarium to the AWWs/AWHs w.e.f 01.10.2018.
APIP- Annual Programme Implementation Plan
SNP- Supplementary Nutrition Programme

(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sl. No. State/UTs Fund released during 2019-20
APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized
PRADESH 35844.15 32726.24 35506.93 36778.6 29729.92 33070.43
2 BIHAR 77825.28 76100.71 77138.36 63915.2 47936.4 48225.23
3 CHHATTISGARH 29809.79 20930.7 29702.51 33243.8 24932.85 24932.85
4 GOA 845.46 826.38 831.65 912.18 684.14 869.96
5 GUJARAT 35789.4 33671.97 40542.46 32581.23 32422.06 30313.82
6 HARYANA 8410.14 4205.09 4294.73 17475.56 13106.67 10669.92
7 JHARKHAND 31991.58 22959.33 21807.41 25608.28 19206.2 20568.00
8 KARNATAKA 54548.14 42657.55 51728.29 41895.96 31421.97 35939.22
9 KERALA 11863.28 14085.21 13835.69 22766.91 17534.3 19284.67
PRADESH 69565.47 71534.93 69650.22 60763.99 45572.99 55680.17
11 MAHARASHTRA 60560.72 78949.43 79886.53 66783.74 50087.82 61188.42
12 ODISHA 51049.06 49466.82 50069.06 44570.7 33428.03 37639.91
13 PUNJAB 8237.00 5346.54 3517.45 18657.52 13993.14 13993.14
14 RAJASTHAN 36544.02 29913.62 28231.68 37642.03 28231.53 30864.71
15 TAMIL NADU 39331.66 37341.72 36919.04 33477.59 25108.19 28361.07
16 TELANGANA 23287.55 22519.69 21325.83 24058.55 21987.17 20682.58
17 UTTAR PRADESH 171771.59 148686.46 153035.98 109850.13 82387.61 92244.90
18 WEST BENGAL 59862.00 59862.00 77738.02 68091.96 51068.97 54307.98
19 DELHI 7438.39 4425.64 6327.18 11431.13 8573.36 6057.88
20 PUDUCHERRY 0 0 0 604.21 453.16 642.63
PRADESH 7673.84 7655.5 6152.41 22201.73 16651.3 19090.12
22 JAMMU &
KASHMIR 4682.72 2341.36 4317.29 37701.07 28275.8 28380.36
23 UTTARAKHAND 13299.48 13308.15 15484.60 21470.94 16103.22 17991.02
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 406.94 327.44 327.44 994.91 802.54 802.54
25 CHANDIGARH 846.69 705.52 705.52 765.79 622.16 622.16
26 D. &
NAGAR HAVELI 185.74 185.75 185.75 375.9 375.9 375.9
27 DAMAN & DIU 187.09 139.88 139.88 127.45 121.59 121.59
28 LAKSHADWEEP 110.28 55.14 55.14 95.78 71.84 71.84
PRADESH 3830.67 2332.96 4006.30 10187.2 9472.2 9472.2
30 ASSAM 49541.69 49541.69 62707.56 63171.81 57539.63 59830.52
31 MANIPUR 9960.45 4980.21 4365.16 14238.09 10678.57 9858.88
32 MEGHALAYA 11515.03 11582.97 11456.64 7049.75 6624.75 6624.75
33 MIZORAM 2466.9 2041.49 2041.49 3422.38 2566.79 3598.47
34 NAGALAND 7967.69 7390.27 7967.68 6370.59 7636.36 7112.36
35 SIKKIM 582.82 291.42 488.30 2182.15 1636.62 2067.21
36 TRIPURA 8979.7 7028.04 6962.08 11799.79 8849.84 9422.53
Total 936812.41 866117.82 929452.26 953264.6 745895.59 800979.94

APIP- Annual Programme Implementation Plan
SNP- Supplementary Nutrition Programme

(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sl. No. State/UTs Fund released during 2020-21

APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized APIP Approved Funds released Funds Utilized
PRADESH 37473.16 37135.93 39621.07 39873.84 32145.17 35874.75
2 BIHAR 85607.81 85607.81 92248.70 79313.7 41451.77 45445.88
3 CHHATTISGARH 32790.77 24593.07 N/R 33870.8 25841.06 N/R
4 GOA 881.76 858.8 823.09 1285.37 1165.27 892.91
5 GUJARAT 39368.34 33671.97 50526.47 32465.82 27761.28 N/R
6 HARYANA 9251.15 5919.04 9630.85 16977.41 12194.63 11869.85
7 JHARKHAND 35190.74 26033.9 13609.62 26459.84 19750.86 19224.29
8 KARNATAKA 59944.17 41000 58445.14 40205.33 27641.75 35653.32
9 KERALA 13049.61 13049.61 17111.18 23197.38 18941.99 19153.59
PRADESH 76522.02 74405.7 55338.77 62419.6 47631.89 53155.97
11 MAHARASHTRA 66616.79 66330.71 86147.00 66818.56 52452.49 N/R
12 ODISHA 51279.05 50299.05 N/R 44976.91 34353.21 38054.00
13 PUNJAB 9060.70 4341.15 5640.37 16596.86 12687.89 N/R
14 RAJASTHAN 40198.42 34894.46 36702.71 37836.08 28231.15 N/R
15 TAMIL NADU 39852.62 39022.39 37167.33 32395.03 22048.8 26062.17
16 TELANGANA 22487.67 21522.15 25139.46 23957.08 18408.88 21042.26
17 UTTAR PRADESH 188948.75 139063.6 88800.15 106996.83 59495.34 83636.83
18 WEST BENGAL 65848.20 65848.2 N/R 67822.24 38757.05 N/R
19 DELHI 7185.75 6539.81 7179.30 10931.52 3547.26 6331.49
20 PUDUCHERRY 0.00 0 N/R 555.58 424.39 N/R
PRADESH 8441.22 6919.79 7023.79 24591.84 18632.28 N/R
22 JAMMU &
KASHMIR 4682.72 4629.5 3512.05 39620.25 24272.52 N/R
23 UTTARAKHAND 14629.43 14629.43 15276.49 23445.95 17820.82 17265.85
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 406.43 406.43 406.43 1155.01 1119.01 119.01
25 CHANDIGARH 633.26 633.26 633.26 616.57 594.07 594.07
26 D. &
NAGAR HAVELI & DAMAN & DIU 410.11 410.11 410.11 511.68 491.43 491.43
27 LADAKH 554.23 554.23 554.23 1694.07 1885.98 1885.98
28 LAKSHADWEEP 121.31 90.99 90.99 127.78 113.44 113.44
PRADESH 4001.44 3708.17 3767.99 11246.92 4420.82 2632.04
30 ASSAM 54495.86 54495.86 69759.55 63289.83 52880.27 N/R
31 MANIPUR 8771.49 10697.3 6667.96 15507.42 6686.14 N/R
32 MEGHALAYA 11707.34 11648.95 11224.55 6965.8 6044.17 N/R
33 MIZORAM 2713.59 2288.18 2288.18 3874.83 5104.16 N/R
34 NAGALAND 8233.04 8232.9 8233.04 6921.27 6688.44 6705.38
35 SIKKIM 606.45 336.42 517.57 2169.57 2093.06 2067.21
36 TRIPURA 8670.68 6503.02 7261.80 11488.99 8734.45 10334.73
Total 1010636.08 896321.89 761759.2 978183.56 682513.19 438606.45

APIP- Annual Programme Implementation Plan
N/R-Not reported by State Government.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. State/UTs Fund released during 2021-22

APIP Approved Funds released APIP Approved Funds released
PRADESH 37135.93 18736.58 37876.99 28220.75
2 BIHAR 85607.81 42803.9 72588.79 39656.86
3 CHHATTISGARH 24593.07 16395.38 33742.69 16935.4
4 GOA 871.86 440.88 912.01 642.68
5 GUJARAT 33671.97 19684.18 34001.50 16232.92
6 HARYANA 5919.04 4625.58 19394.22 8488.7
7 JHARKHAND 26033.90 17595.38 25404.26 13229.92
8 KARNATAKA 42415.51 29972.08 44842.77 20102.66
9 KERALA 13049.61 6524.8 22751.82 11598.7
PRADESH 74405.70 38261.02 58893.51 31209.8
11 MAHARASHTRA 85709.12 33308.4 72164.88 33409.28
12 ODISHA 50299.05 25639.52 46388.75 22488.46
13 PUNJAB 4477.26 4530.36 36741.50 8298.44
14 RAJASTHAN 34894.46 20099.22 40771.39 18918.04
15 TAMIL NADU 39022.39 19926.32 33900.72 16197.52
16 TELANGANA 22029.15 19520.54 25395.92 16123.99
17 UTTAR PRADESH 139063.60 94474.38 105386.61 53498.42
18 WEST BENGAL 65848.20 32924.1 72710.37 33911.12
19 DELHI 6539.81 3592.88 12268.14 5465.76
20 PUDUCHERRY 0.00 0 592.03 277.8
PRADESH 7183.83 4220.62 23548.27 12295.92
22 JAMMU &
KASHMIR 4629.50 2341.36 37114.91 19810.12
23 UTTARAKHAND 14629.43 7314.72 23403.02 11722.98
24 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 406.43 203.22 1248.96 577.5
25 CHANDIGARH 702.83 316.64 704.95 308.28
26 D. &
NAGAR HAVELI & DAMAN & DIU 410.11 205.06 523.28 255.84
27 LADAKH 133.65 277.12 1190.35 847.04
28 LAKSHADWEEP 171.30 60.66 123.88 63.9
PRADESH 3708.17 3018.22 12357.17 5623.46
30 ASSAM 54495.86 27247.94 69916.46 31644.92
31 MANIPUR 9101.98 4385.74 14303.27 7753.72
32 MEGHALAYA 11240.57 8297.72 7040.41 3482.9
33 MIZORAM 2288.18 1609.78 4096.69 1937.42
34 NAGALAND 8232.90 6174.63 7232.43 5207.89
35 SIKKIM 359.50 303.22 2312.77 1084.78
36 TRIPURA 7104.28 4335.34 12363.57 5744.5
Total 916385.96 519367.49 1014209.26 503268.39

SNP- Supplementary Nutrition Programme

Annexure-I Contd.
The details of fund released and utilised under OSC scheme during last three years and current year (as on 30.11.2021)
(Amount in Rs.)
SL State 2018-19 2018-19 UC 2019-20 2019-20 UC 2020-21 2020-21 UC 2021-22 2021-22 UC
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3687641 3637641 4159792 2934934 3859069 1418376 2680998 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 39063148 20126035 26099278 17442510 21105250 600000 24956761 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 78202084 8811508 13418151 0 52014408 0 34510350 0
4 Assam 78695087 14321617 80408520 6040452 63614400 1200000 53184222 0
5 Bihar 30832455 0 104609180 989813 70966339 0 54016200 0
6 Chandigarh 930799 880799 1500450 1500450 3383756 0 1500450 0
7 Chattishgarh 66244372 64944372 67738483 22791897 35320987 0 40512150 0
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 50000 0 7345503 306879 4601200 0 4501350 0
9 Delhi 0 0 36255258 4454069 18304950 7193084 15099300 0
10 Goa 492000 392000 1500450 0 3000900 0 3000900 0
11 Gujarat 56269778 15594827 67951666 28465250 85084669 19276024 57098690 0
12 Haryana 47960546 11735787 40192416 23793212 40443694 7433759 31996070 0
13 Himachal Pradesh 10118850 1703950 31729794 0 19805400 0 18005400 0
14 Jammu and Kashmir 15020425 3532525 9639473 3720679 22483933 0 22506750 0
15 Jharkhand 70436941 62318054 40853107 0 69124908 4800000 50678102 0
16 Karnataka 59444419 14988522 58203580 2434686 73508758 0 44263275 0
17 Kerala 28331849 6219675 14090453 2296401 23705850 0 21006300 0
18 Ladakh-UT 0 0 0 0 6545042 2743880 1500450 0
19 Lakshdweep 0 0 2091225 0 1350225 0 1500450 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 112391390 61311384 167092445 3335438 104431900 1200000 81623400 0
21 Maharashtra 38929425 19385475 66998501 1958782 64620010 0 51865525 0
22 Manipur 35722445 10225680 24884407 10210912 50193815 0 24007200 0
23 Meghalaya 18639947 7120047 37430224 4991106 21161595 600000 17882770 0
24 Mizoram 27264535 15565835 21870881 1499840 17263928 0 12003600 0
25 Nagaland 45487024 37619153 19173411 7051684 33590577 17786459 38621439 0
26 Odisha 77459998 11477616 20934647 3528369 93155192 0 45013500 0
27 Puducherry 4766836 0 4376136 0 7201800 0 6723802 0
28 Punjab 52633488 28105180 35183739 5289012 48461272 0 31509450 0
29 Rajasthan 30860275 15660603 67711508 7077488 56686911 600000 51349536 0
30 Sikkim 3923225 0 6809569 2558294 6601800 600000 8079954 0
31 Tamil Nadu 113995447 55349618 71359691 44600458 106060397 24092195 52037586 0
32 Telangana 58948915 15821620 62446827 14814166 77573415 0 49514850 0
33 Tripura 26901349 0 6001800 0 15603600 0 12003600 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 222830497 111427836 123193989 18383657 228832664 0 111033300 0
35 Uttrakhand 27225409 19760441 22907445 9895440 27308659 0 19505850 0
36 West Bengal 0 0 9546450 0 19890150 0 0 0

The details of fund released and utilised under WHL scheme during last three years and current year (as on 30.11.2021)
(Amount in Rs.)
Sl.No State 2018-19 UC received 2019-20 UC received 2020-21 UC received 2021-22 UC received
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 50,94,565 50,94,565 34,08,000 26,62,677 17,04,000 0 15,97,455 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 60,60,357 60,60,357 34,08,000 34,08,000 57,69,877 0 85,20,000 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 81,35,911 58,63,911 61,46,252 0 39,76,000 0 29,76,903 0
4 Assam 16,12,058 16,12,058 61,96,756 61,96,756 64,27,874 64,27,874 60,97,868 0
5 Bihar 54,94,258 32,59,258 46,50,000 0 23,25,000 0 0 0
6 Chandigarh 58,92,584 26,64,584 66,26,660 60,39,728 51,11,578 0 32,10,698 0
7 Chattishgarh 85,35,423 85,35,423 68,16,000 68,16,000 66,66,682 0 66,51,815 0
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 0 0 34,08,000 0 17,04,000 0 0 0
9 Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Goa 0 0 27,71,000 0 17,04,000 0 0 0
11 Gujarat 89,40,000 0 46,50,000 0 23,25,000 0 0 0
12 Haryana 0 0 22,10,254 22,10,254 17,04,000 17,04,000 31,52,590 0
13 Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Jammu and Kashmir-UT 33,82,501 33,82,501 98,38,640 0 60,06,790 0 32,12,810 0
15 Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Karnataka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Kerala 67,65,000 67,65,000 34,08,000 34,08,000 80,73,249 80,73,249 51,12,000 0
18 Ladakh-UT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Lakshdweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0 0 23,25,000 0 29,92,440 0
21 Maharashtra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Manipur 0 0 0 0 17,04,000 0 84,09,103 0
23 Meghalaya 32,70,000 32,70,000 34,08,000 34,08,000 88,08,465 0 25,90,838 0
24 Mizoram 85,20,000 85,20,000 34,08,000 34,08,000 68,16,000 68,16,000 51,12,000 0
25 Nagaland 68,16,000 68,16,000 34,08,000 34,08,000 1,02,24,000 1,02,24,000 51,07,000 0
26 Odisha 98,65,173 98,65,173 34,08,000 34,08,000 96,25,478 0 47,36,696 0
27 Puducherry 51,08,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Punjab 27,19,498 0 34,08,000 0 17,04,000 0 0 0
29 Rajasthan 0 0 46,50,000 46,50,000 67,32,957 67,32,957 32,80,944 0
30 Sikkim 33,80,782 0 34,08,000 0 17,04,000 0 42,35,686 0
31 Tamil Nadu 46,50,000 0 46,50,000 0 23,25,000 23,25,000 5,84,504 0
32 Telangana 0 0 1,28,39,001 94,31,001 48,61,468 0 82,78,201 0
33 Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 88,54,892 88,54,892 46,50,000 46,50,000 1,32,53,502 1,11,72,787 25,69,285 0
35 Uttrakhand 57,61,087 49,85,234 60,40,147 0 17,04,000 0 9,66,112 0
36 West Bengal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Annexure I Contd.

The details of fund released and utilised under Swadhar Greh scheme during during last three years

(Amount in Lakhs)
S.No. States/UTs 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
utilized allocated/released/
utilized allocated/released/
1. Andhra Pradesh 27.65 27.65 0
2. Arunachal Pradesh 18.05 18.05 10.48
3. Assam 152.60 152.60 0
4. Andaman and Nicobar (UT) 7.27 7.27 3.96
5. Bihar 0 0 0
6. Chandigarh 6.64 6.64 8.45
7. Chhattisgarh 30.24 30.24 22.89
8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 0 0
9. Daman & Diu 0 0 0
10. Delhi 16.10 16.10 13.10
11. Goa 0 0 0
12. Gujarat 0 0 15.26
13. Haryana 3.39 3.39 0
14. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 3.35
15. Jammu & Kashmir 36.20 36.20 27.76
16. Jharkhand 0 0 0
17. Karnataka 285.03 285.03 301.31
18. Kerala 69.59 69.59 71.11
19. Lakshadweep 0 0 0
20. Madhya Pradesh 46.09 46.09 53.01
21. Maharashtra 19.70 19.70 0
22. Manipur 424.30 424.30 313.74
23. Mizoram 81.08 81.08 0
24. Meghalaya 0 0 36.36
25. Nagaland 25.69 25.69 0
26. Odisha 473.33 473.33 642.96
27. Punjab 8.00 8.00 0
28. Puducherry 20.06 20.06 21.17
29. Rajasthan 18.94 18.94 0
30. Sikkim 6.72 6.72 10.47
31. Tamil Nadu 438.87 438.87 432.35
32. Telangana 133.91 133.91 205.26
33. Tripura 46.23 46.23 84.60
34. Uttar Pradesh 55.46 55.46 0
35. Uttrakhand 0 0 0
36. West Bengal 1.56 1.56 155.67

Annexure I Contd.
The details of fund released and utilised under Ujjawala scheme during during last three years

(Amount in Lakhs)
S.No. States/UTs 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
utilized allocated/released/
utilized allocated/released/
1. Andhra Pradesh 0 0 0
2. Arunachal Pradesh 1.68 0 0
3. Assam 0 192.56 0
4. Andaman and Nicobar (UT) 0 0 0
5. Bihar 0 0 0
6. Chandigarh 0 0 0
7. Chhattisgarh 9.67 34.36 30.97
8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 0 0
9. Daman & Diu 0 0 0
10. Delhi 0 0 0
11. Goa 0 0 2.68
12. Gujarat 25.02 0 0
13. Haryana 0 0 0
14. Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0
15. Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0
16. Jharkhand 0 13.98 0
17. Karnataka 8.87 0 123.83
18. Kerala 0 27.97 0
19. Lakshadweep 0 0 0
20. Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0
21. Maharashtra 19.64 0 0
22. Manipur 364.06 289.08 437.42
23. Mizoram 8.23 9.98 0
24. Meghalaya 0 0 0
25. Nagaland 19.46 19.45 22.33
26. Odisha 21.76 145.93 100.83
27. Punjab 0 0 0
28. Puducherry 0 0 0
29. Rajasthan 2.75 0 0
30. Sikkim 0 10.44 0
31. Tamil Nadu 66.68 52.06 0
32. Telangana 76.4 37.45 74.91
33. Tripura 0 0 0
34. Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0
35. Uttrakhand 15.08 21.09 0

Annexure I Contd.

The details of fund released and utilised under Working Women Hostel scheme during during last three years and current year
(as on 29.11.2021)
(Amount: in Lakhs)
S. No. State/
UTs 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds Utilized Funds Sanctioned/
allocated/released Funds
1 Andhra
Pradesh 476.93 476.93 146.49 146.49 - - - -
2 Arunachal
Pradesh 116.76 116.76 - - - - - -
3 Assam 7.77 3.74 - - 7.76 - - -
4 Bihar - - - - - - - -
5 Chhattisgarh - - - - - - 5.45 5.45
6 Goa - - - - - - - -
7 Gujarat - - - - - - - -
8 Haryana - - - - - - - -
9 Himachal
Pradesh - - 111.86 - - - - -
10 Jammu &
Kashmir - - - - - - - -
11 Jharkhand - - - - - - - -
12 Karnataka - - 482.5 15.15 - - - -
13 Kerala 252.56 - 901.5 480.0 - - 273.97 81.96
14 Madhya Pradesh 244.03 240.00 - - - - - -
15 Maharashtra 161.43 155.53 - - 39.89 39.89 - -
16 Meghalaya - - - - - - - -
17 Mizoram 170.62 170.62 136.50 - - - - -
18 Manipur 915.51 400.32 169.49 14.94 990.61 452.26 164.70
19 Nagaland 419.58 419.58 244.24 244.24 223.67 - 96.09 16.20
20 Orissa - - - - - - - -
21 Punjab - - 136.50 - - - - -
22 Rajasthan - - - - - - - -
23 Sikkim - - - - - - - -
24 Tamil Nadu - - - - 392.18 - 350.25 -
25 Telangana 268.91 153.90 746.10 101.09 - - - -
26 Tripura - - - - - - - -
27 Uttrakhand - - - - - - - -
28 UP - - - - - - - -
29 West Bengal - - - - - - - -
30 Chandigarh - - - - - - - -
31 Delhi - - - - 300.18* - 11.52* -
32 Pondicherry - - - - - - - -

*These funds were released for the renovation & property tax for the working women hostel located at JasolaVihar, New Delhi.

Annexure-I Contd.

The details of fund released and utilised under Scheme for Adolescent Girls during during last three years and current year

(Rupees in Lakhs)
S No State/UT 2018-19 2019-2020 2020-21 2021-22
Released Utilized Released Utilized Released Utilized Released
1 Andhra Pradesh 1011.98 139.57 127.39 43.02 11.28 13.01
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0 18.44 33.71 0 1.11 1.11
3 Assam 0 774.51 488.62 1594.472 1919.17 155.17
4 Bihar 25.54 686.12 582.91 23.78 2.94 0
5 Chattisgarh 768.89 229.19 48.4 245.18 121.13 157.32 158.73
6 Goa 0.4 0.2 43.1 0.07 0.02 0.028
7 Gujarat 4984.65 1514.03 1852.8 1668.67 870.58 1224.98 641.68
8 Haryana 37.41 44.71 70.56 22.19 0 13.41
9 Himachal Pradesh 0 1.93 0 0 0 NI
10 Jammu & Kashmir 560.39 131.33 46.53 133.793 23.04 338.35
11 Jharkhand 0 52.52 254.39 0 33.01 0
12 Karnataka 923.76 630.65 1253.33 37.63 20.31 NR
13 Kerala 289.74 3.43 1.08 2.25 1.61 1.52 2.04
14 Madhya Pradesh 5442.4 2676.33 1068.55 2279.53 213.75 217.34
15 Maharashtra 3707.84 661.02 742.83 569.73 48.48 47.6
16 Manipur 0 85.77 96.86 2.71 9.12 0
17 Meghalaya 12.55 12.55 1278.81 37.69 4.06 28.87
18 Mizoram 69.32 44.08 13.56 4.98 2.78 2.78
19 Nagaland 214.3 225.46 223.29 207.56 187.76 187.76 93.88
20 Odisha 866.77 0 72.6 335.62 29.69 10.54 96.54
21 Punjab 26.3 42.13 0 0 4.67 0
22 Rajasthan 0 59.39 0 130.35 58.94 525.47
23 Sikkim 0 2.42 0 8.64 0.04 0.04
24 Tamil Nadu 0 0 95.48 13.82 1.23 18.82
25 Telangana 107.49 0 151.54 0 29.69 NR
26 Tripura 19.16 72.51 32.27 20.03 15.76 26.625
27 Uttar Pradesh 1000.35 0 1827.57 2798.24 410.88 918.95 776.49
28 Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 20.31 0
29 West Bengal 101.85 508.72 126.72 144.22 31.71 NR
30 Andaman & Nicobar 0 0.19 0 0 0.02 NI
31 Chandigarh 1.34 1.66 2.46 2.2 0.2 0.2 1.21
32 Daman & Diu 4.53 0.66 0 - 0 NI
D & NH 4.28 4.28 0 0.41 0.02 0
33 Delhi 320.48 18.29 12.84 24.7 8.73 7.99 19.7
34 Lakshdweep 3.11 0.07128 0.04 0.02 0.01 0 0.14
35 Pondicherry 1.63 0.04 0 0 0.01 0
36 Ladakh 0 NR 1.88
TOTAL 20506.46 8642.201 10548.24 10351.51 4082.06 3897.883 1792.29
NR-Not Reported
NI-Not Implemented

Annexure-I Contd.

The details of fund released/ utilised and achievements made under POSHAN Abhiyaan during during last three years and current year

Achievements under POSHAN Abhiyaan are as below:
i. ICT application: Poshan Tracker has been rolled out across 12.27 lakh Anganwadis covering approximately 9.84 crore beneficiaries. The Abhiyaan empowers Anganwadi workers and Lady Supervisors by providing them with smart phones, and as of now the no. of Smartphones and GMDs (comprises of Stadiometer, Infantometer, Weighing Scale for Infant and Mother & Child) procured by States/UTs are 11.03 lakh and 11.94 lakh respectively.
ii. Convergence: 18 Ministries/Departments are working in coordination with Ministry of Women and Child Development for addressing issues concerning malnutrition.
iii. Community Mobilization, Behavioural Change & Jan Andolan: helped reaching out to the masses through nation’s biggest nutrition-centric annual Jan Andolans, in the form of Poshan Maahs (September) and Poshan Pakhwadas (March). Collectively, there have been conducted 4 Poshan Maahs and 3 Poshan Pakhwadas since the launch of POSHAN Abhiyaan with total activities of more than 40 crores. Also, to strengthen the process of community engagement through events like Annaprasan Diwas, Suposhan Diwas and Godhbharai, there have been conducted around 3.70 crore Community Based Events (CBEs) since the launch of POSHAN Abhiyaan.
iv. Capacity Building: 10.22 lakh frontline functionaries have been successfully trained. Additionally, approx. 6.61 lakh field functionaries have undergone training through digital platform. Also, till date, 8.3 lakhs Anganwadi Workers/ Anganwadi Helpers have been trained in the ICT application.
v. Incentive: in order to incentivise the field functionaries, specifically the AWWs and AWHs, Rs 500 and Rs 250 per month are given to them on achieving certain parameters like Home Visits and Weighing of Children. As of January 2021, ?179.85 crore has been provided as incentive to AWWs and AWHs.
vi. Innovations: 26 States/UTs have taken up more than 50 innovative initiatives so far since the launch of POSHAN Abhiyaan.

Amount in ? lakhs

SN State/UT Total Central Funds released from 2018-19 to 2020-21 Total Central Funds utilization as on 31st March 2021
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 936.25 421.44
2 Andhra Pradesh 25363.32 16601.84
3 Arunachal Pradesh 2815.88 708.11
4 Assam 32948.67 18117.52
5 Bihar 49365.6 27823.99
6 Chandigarh 1099.87 513.96
7 Chhattisgarh 12137.21 6505.25
8 Dadra Nagar Haveli and 774.31 682.98
Daman & Diu 686.7
9 Delhi 3327.18 2432.58
10 Goa 456.04 222.24
11 Gujarat 29976.16 21769.01
12 Haryana 6808.82 4326
13 Himachal Pradesh 10973.21 7010.78
14 Jammu & Kashmir 9178.53 7912.09
15 Jharkhand 8154.95 5245.93
16 Karnataka 14276.52 11133.42
17 Kerala 10974.73 6696.51
18 Ladakh 164.59 51.41
19 Lakshadweep 427.36 287.27
20 Madhya Pradesh 39398.53 18516.83
21 Maharashtra 58390.84 40154.5
22 Manipur 4389.99 2138.4
23 Meghalaya 5073.39 4979.05
24 Mizoram 2732.96 2575.03
25 Nagaland 5327.67 5239.26
26 Odisha 16358.58 7555.69
27 Puducherry 943.62 264.58
28 Punjab 7346.86 2470.04
29 Rajasthan 23830.57 10349.79
30 Sikkim 1370.99 1276.83
31 Tamil Nadu 25931.46 19476.85
32 Telangana 17906.84 14824.33
33 Tripura 4135.95 3155.13
34 Uttar Pradesh 56968.96 19219.28
35 Uttarakhand 13574.89 7898
36 West Bengal 26751.08 0
Total 531279.08 298555.92

Annexure-I Contd.

The details of fund released/ utilised and achievements made under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme during last three years

Status of Funds under BBBP for Multi Sectoral intervention in Districts. ( Amount is Lakhs)

S No. State Total Fund Available/allocated 2018-
19 Utilization during 2018-19 Total Fund Available/allocated 2019-
20 Utilization during 2019-20 Total Fund Available/allocated 2020-
21 Utilization during 2020-21*
1 Andhra Pradesh 196.50 94.73 200.00 137.49 200.00 0.0
2 Arunachal Pradesh 170.87 103.34 241.65 208.85 150.00 0.0
3 Assam 25.00 11.37 86.65 53.55 75.0 37.15
4 Bihar 418.00 15.16 425.00 52.25 389.69 0.0
5 Chhattisgarh 49.50 14.67 69.61 67.23 51.18 28.16
6 Goa 3.62 0.00 25.00 4.07 20.93 0.0
7 Gujarat 588.48 156.45 710.25 434.07 604.34 80.07
8 Haryana 536.56 199.46 522.67 286.69 485.80 12.40
9 Himachal Pradesh 252.59 190.64 293.48 229.85 222.41 22.41
10 J&K 422.90 192.67 552.67 370.44 496.48 25.0
11 Leh 25.00 20.15 45.73 37.96 16.39 0.0
12 Jharkhand 313.37 54.59 298.95 80.24 264.25 0.0
13 Karnataka 140.78 79.39 125.00 99.71 125.00 87.67
14 Kerala 23.5 2.83 25 17.14 25.00 0.0
15 Madhya Pradesh 1021.93 356.85 1264.41 758.69 1111.45 103.29
16 Maharashtra 799.74 261.71 832.06 365.14 722.70 0.0
17 Manipur 269.45 241.94 398.55 367.73 375.00 175.0
18 Meghalaya 24.70 24.53 67.53 57.80 50.00 0.0
19 Mizoram 100.00 75.00 100.00 75.00 75.0 75.0
20 Nagaland 295.52 228.36 320.33 298.91 292.97 290.60
21 Odisha 119.63 3.29 375.00 50.88 346.08 0.0
22 Punjab 554.71 360.55 941.94 683.75 725.28 504.83
23 Rajasthan 857.64 151.88 886.62 430.73 813.15 455.27
24 Sikkim 50.00 47.50 50.00 50.00 25.00 22.20
25 Tamilnadu 446.78 306.57 324.31 302.72 274.56 0.0
26 Telangana 217.20 143.67 309.42 218.33 219.55 25.0
27 Tripura 25.00 0.00 25.00 20.94 25.0 12.5
28 Uttar Pradesh 1798.05 402.78 1791.82 970.39 1394.21 353.20
29 Uttarakhand 323.45 207.32 638.43 537.43 304.74 187.03
30 Andaman & Nicobar 25.00 20.64 33.27 28.09 25.00 19.47
31 Chandigargh 20.17 0.00 23.50 11.23 25.00 9.63
32 Dadra Nagar Haveli 16.40 0.00 25.00 3.17 21.82 0.0
33 Daman and Diu 39.06 14.65 61.91 15.01 46.89 0.42
34 NCT DELHI 261.95 115.59 218.89 38.53 214.77 0.0
35 Lakshadweep 24.00 2.65 25.00 23.52 12.50 0.0
36 Puducherry 25.00 25.00 25.00 22.32 12.50 0.0

* Utilization as per reports available from 97 districts as on 01.12.2021. Submission of UC for F.Y.2020-21 is under way by various districts and release is made upon adjustment of unspent amount available with each district.

Achievements under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme Scheme:
Intermediary target i.e. Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) has been set as a monitoring parameter for the progress of Scheme. As per the latest available report of2020-21 of Health Management Information System (HMIS) of Ministry ofHealth and Family Welfare, the SRB at National level has improved from 931 in 2018-19 to 937 in 2020-21

State wise Sex Ratio at Birth as per HIMS Data maintained by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

S. No. States/ UTs Sex Ratio at birth ( Female Live Births/ Male Births *1000)
Year 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
All India 931 934 937
1 A & N Islands 948 985 961
2 Andhra Pradesh 953 945 952
3 Arunachal Pradesh 914 931 933
4 Assam 936 942 944
5 Bihar 915 917 915
6 Chandigarh 910 935 941
7 Chhattisgarh 959 965 961
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 938 915 883
9 Daman & Diu 889
10 Delhi 920 915 927
11 Goa 954 971 949
12 Gujarat 918 914 918
13 Haryana 914 924 927
14 Himachal Pradesh 927 933 944
15 Jammu & Kashmir 943 942 933
16 Jharkhand 921 920 935
17 Karnataka 945 937 949
18 Kerala 959 958 958
19 Lakshadweep 891 952 948
20 Madhya Pradesh 938 935 939
21 Maharashtra 930 941 940
22 Manipur 924 924 954
23 Meghalaya 951 946 943
24 Mizoram 958 971 962
25 Nagaland 936 913 897
26 Odisha 941 938 936
27 Puducherry 943 938 985
28 Punjab 900 920 926
29 Rajasthan 947 948 946
30 Sikkim 948 962 929
31 Tamil Nadu 936 943 948
32 Telangana 943 950 933
33 Tripura 941 944 944
34 Uttar Pradesh 918 928 932
35 Uttarakhand 938 949 940
36 West Bengal 944 951 949

Annexure-I Contd.
The details of fund released/ utilised under Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme during last three years and current year
(Rs. in Lakhs)
No. States/UTs Release of funds
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
(upto 31.11.2021)
1 Andaman & Nicobar 0 20.58 41.04 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 277.20 21.13 0 0
3 Arunachal Pradesh 151.35 334.38 0 0
4 Assam 0 88.30 473.79 0
5 Bihar 25.83 48.62 0 0
6 Chandigarh 33.44 14.03 26.58 0
7 Chhattisgarh 7.28 35.41 7.95 0
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0 10.48 51.67 0
Daman & Diu 6.15 19.90
9 Delhi (UT) 0 0 0 0
10 Goa 0 11.42 0 0
11 Gujarat 214.64 98.14 0 0
12 Haryana 6.91 94.57 13.39 0
13 Himachal Pradesh 137.45 52.94 36.29 0
14 Jammu and Kashmir 241.71 34.44 0 35.47
15 Jharkhand 0 29.71 0 0
16 Karnataka 169.83 122.43 244.13 0
17 Kerala 74.26 34.32 0 0
18 Ladakh 0 0 40.34 0
19 Lakshadweep 0 4.83 18.9 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 479.02 31.46 0 0
21 Maharashtra 144.63 22.88 0 0
22 Manipur 33.21 4.29 0 0
23 Meghalaya 158.85 25.74 0 0
24 Mizoram 166.77 140.11 86.01 0
25 Nagaland 221.57 103.80 271.76 0
26 Odisha 737.95 37.18 0 0
27 Puducherry 9.18 14.30 0 0
28 Punjab 87.50 7.30 7.56 0
29 Rajasthan 278.24 40.65 9.38 0
30 Sikkim 99.85 4.29 0 0
31 Tamil Nadu 227.86 105.81 11.67 33.17
32 Telangana 288.62 11.26 10.51 0
33 Tripura 125.50 0 0 0
34 Uttar Pradesh 362.13 17.16 11.67 0
35 Uttarakhand 226.14 295.66 0 0
36 West Bengal 453.62 31.46 0 0
Grant Total 5446.69 1968.98 1362.64 68.64

The details of fund released/ utilised and achievements made under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) during last three years and current year (As on 22.11.2021)

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Sl. No. State/UT 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
(Rs. In Lakh) (Rs. In Lakh) (Rs. In Lakh) (Rs. In Lakh)
Released Utilised* Released Utilised* Released Utilised* Sanctioned/Released Utilised* $
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 41.13 117.63 127.03 108.2 98.24 100.52 93.69 29.74
2 Andhra Pradesh 14,101.75 17,579.80 10,125.00 16,880.80 1,438.86 7847.96 1,438.85 838.96
3 Arunachal Pradesh 36 265.75 0 381.42 872.13 325.21 56.34 95.54
4 Assam 817 3,750.34 12,594.97 16,934.66 9,469.37 6441.62 1,773.68 4,947.70
5 Bihar 1,253.00 6,228.22 10,187.67 34,215.79 31,998.36 49,893.09 16,531.92 7,443.95
6 Chandigarh 248.08 306.34 399.34 296.34 440.00 234.83 99.61 131.59
7 Chhattisgarh 2,025.85 4,996.29 5,292.96 8,225.62 966.39 5886.30 2899.17 2,888.83
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 75.85 100.67 146.8 136.74 29.98 245.27 85.70 2.24
9 Daman & Diu 28.98 56.11 103.91 65.07 4.15
10 Goa 107.26 274.05 140.13 211.58 12.14 194.92 72.84 60.21
11^ Gujarat 5,958.97 12,910.20 10,267.92 15,532.98 - 4710.74 2315.97 63.21
12 Haryana 3,674.84 8,218.84 6,586.80 7,786.83 736.00 4,087.08 3001.14 3,083.33
13 Himachal Pradesh 1,793.84 2,754.96 3,368.73 2,865.06 773.46 2,060.76 1031.94 898.03
14 Jammu & Kashmir 828.42 2,591.31 3,012.10 3,030.74 750.11 2,014.24 2247.84 1,761.27
15 Jharkhand 1,453.37 5,969.64 6,338.22 9,512.64 1,627.47 5722.9 4379.13 1,674.55
16 Karnataka 6,361.72 13,229.37 11,952.84 19,555.54 3,791.95 16142.71 5,400.54 6,871.83
17 Kerala 3,514.27 7,597.69 6,418.56 9,515.35 1,528.81 6839.68 2825.19 4,233.06
18 Ladakh** - - - - 75.95 26.54 25.30 23.22
19 Lakshadweep 4.44 23.32 17.92 12.46 5.60 17.38 5.60 5.77
20 Madhya Pradesh 18,581.47 33,785.11 28,515.68 30,818.17 6,277.95 17968.42 8071.65 13,830.16
21 Maharashtra 11,795.62 22,028.56 29,413.53 38,603.05 11,310.90 26485.18 3,393.27 16,790.03
22 Manipur 75 274.23 411.51 1,210.34 648.17 695.62 115.38 235.66
23 Meghalaya 102 183.25 421.47 842.99 508.05 484.63 - 285.41
24 Mizoram 294.7 665.52 812.1 762.32 546.47 306.91 55.62 177.61
25 Nagaland 52 101.44 266.85 1,005.85 138.60 266.93 59.40 119.20
26 NCT Of Delhi 795.75 2,542.92 2,687.95 3,804.43 545.52 2668.35 2182.08 1,818.35
27 Odisha 383 0.2 0 - - 0 - 0.00
28 Puducherry 63.53 315.6 159.84 381.88 85.49 186.71 238.50 167.09
29 Punjab 1,141.42 5,977.32 3,553.68 7,011.17 1,279.36 2973.95 735.30 480.20
30 Rajasthan 9,605.43 22,409.80 9,651.71 16,780.83 10,002.32 15123.24 5,410.20 6,151.75
31 Sikkim 21 215.02 87.99 209.27 56.52 106.16 21.20 21.07
32 Tamil Nadu 658 4,158.83 4,620.70 21,529.16 9,339.20 19596.98 1,751.10 4,215.91
33 Telangana 385 0 0 - - 0 - 0.00
34 Tripura 96 578.32 529.44 1,625.76 755.34 698.07 227.31 187.09
35 Uttar Pradesh 14,216.71 41,414.50 40,556.13 60,382.52 9,927.71 47,684.92 22,872.69 20,316.88
36 Uttarakhand 1,425.66 2,158.77 2,766.00 2,880.92 1,896.64 2628.92 866.26 1,424.61
37 West Bengal 2,938.72 12,465.83 8,768.76 20,588.34 - 56.15 - 0.00
Total 1,04,955.77 2,36,245.76 2,20,304.24 3,53,704.82 1,07,937.21 2,50,722.89 90,284.39 1,01,274.05

*This includes both Centre and State share.
** Before 2020-21, Ladakh has been included as a part of Jammu & Kashmir.
^ For those States where Annual UC for FY 2020-21 has not been received, funds disbursed for payment of maternity benefits as per report generated through Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana-Common Application Software (PMMVY-CAS) has been considered
$ For funds utilized during 2021-22, funds disbursed for payment of maternity benefits as per report generated through Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana-Common Application Software (PMMVY-CAS) has been considered.

Beneficiaries enrolled, beneficiaries paid, and amount disbursed under PMMVY (as on 22.11.2021)

Sl. No.


2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (as on 22.11.2021)
No. of Beneficiaries enrolled No. of Beneficiaries Paid Total amount Disbursed No. of Beneficiaries enrolled No. of Beneficiaries Paid Total amount Disbursed No. of Beneficiaries enrolled No. of Beneficiaries Paid Total amount Disbursed No. of Beneficiaries enrolled No. of Beneficiaries Paid Total amount Disbursed
(? in Lakhs) (? in Lakhs) (? in Lakhs) (? in Lakhs)
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands 1,501 2,731 85.12 949 2,356 72.95 1,353 2,189 71 825 1,168 29.74
2 Andhra Pradesh 364434 500361 17,580 260501 512,648 16,730 226,803 292,094 7,917 110,157 37,272 838.96
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6,681 5,680 205.98 7,180 9,320 330.44 7,261 8,529 296 2,134 3,051 95.54
4 Assam 142228 135671 3,727 331055 417,913 16,317 183,266 201,400 7,014 110,553 142,860 4,947.70
5 Bihar 243948 241031 6,230 919776 891,050 33,506 1,115,837 1,181,671 48,286 216,611 208,571 7,443.95
6 Chandigarh 6,984 9,286 298.89 5,323 9,449 276.25 5,100 7,986 230 3,437 5,664 131.59
7 Chhattisgarh 145626 170423 4,912 142674 249,714 7,796 123,512 183,332 5,452 71,511 107,562 2,888.83
8 Dadra And Nagar Haveli 2,752 3,256 100.11 2,194 4,472 128.09 2,033 3,314 84 1,703 119 2.24
9 Daman And Diu 2,189 1,657 56.08 1,216 2,151 65.07 1,052 1,471 37
10 Delhi 61,312 69,574 2,529 67,904 104,221 3,625 85,885 80,607 2,545 51,170 56,879 1,818.35
11 Goa 5,890 7,472 273.59 3,987 6,372 195.65 4,260 6,187 188 2,246 2,381 60.21
12 Gujarat 250,460 333,800 12,683 310,604 407,896 15,015 88,439 162,926 4,711 22,350 3,684 63.21
13 Haryana 178,187 223,702 8,218 123,711 217,033 7,084 120,811 119,822 3,376 78,461 108,535 3,083.33
14 Himachal Pradesh 52,759 78,031 2,686 40,947 81,449 2,539 41,496 67,530 1,978 26,579 37,637 898.03
15 Jammu And Kashmir 56,448 69,253 2,595 58,141 85,801 2,915 65,658 60,380 1,949 35,223 57,094 1,761.27
16 Jharkhand 140,134 181,958 5,705 199,561 272,441 9,258 164,238 178,563 5,723 56,535 60,495 1,674.55
17 Karnataka 359,141 373,987 13,230 328,319 537,386 18,303 505,328 506,308 15,675 249,731 260,495 6,871.83
18 Kerala 174,793 214,082 7,598 169,172 273,181 9,210 181,657 216,813 6,600 102,387 145,820 4,233.06
19 Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,010 1,173 38 292 756 23.22
20 Lakshadweep 299 436 12.44 284 327 7.54 387 665 17 220 296 5.77
21 Madhya Pradesh 673,241 948,643 33,011 541,280 979,547 29,897 590,450 933,964 29,058 326,880 563,132 13,830.16
22 Maharashtra 552,107 591,919 22,033 814,059 1,032,254 38,185 568,728 808,517 26,391 401,623 571,728 16,790.03
23 Manipur 7,557 7,577 274.4 22,728 23,979 1,061 14,958 16,442 664 5,108 6,595 235.66
24 Meghalaya 3,878 3,189 118.26 15,908 16,380 639.79 9,589 10,004 350 5,732 7,899 285.41
25 Mizoram 10,096 10,611 443.51 4,183 9,395 328.62 5,515 7,376 248 3,950 5,641 177.61
26 Nagaland 3,219 2,542 101.44 15,307 15,207 707.6 6,371 6,073 267 2,332 2,787 119.20
27 Odisha 0 5 0.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
28 Puducherry 7,836 8,023 315.59 6,444 10,553 376.36 5,202 6,477 184 3,413 5,979 167.09
29 Punjab 117,288 158,968 5,977 98,653 149,709 5,006 105,742 127,204 4,134 52,317 14,683 480.20
30 Rajasthan 633,603 615,068 21,176 294,657 535,006 15,808 298,756 451,863 13,773 195,186 220,983 6,151.75
31 Sikkim 3,585 3,891 154.81 2,121 4,632 151.72 2,626 3,219 84 1,749 809 21.07
32 Tamil Nadu 233,983 185,817 4,178 421,108 524,185 14,396 413,221 469,571 12,388 206,040 205,460 4,215.91
33 Telangana 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
34 Tripura 22,108 18,658 577.3 26,773 42,717 1,501 20,612 24,277 730 8,723 7,211 187.09
35 Uttar Pradesh 1,185,214 1,187,314 41,419 1,257,801 1,642,844 57,619 1,112,588 1,302,623 44,422 598,544 627,356 20,316.88
36 Uttarakhand 49,519 58,814 1,935 47,817 75,827 2,486 58,249 80,994 2,707 35,300 49,653 1,424.61
37 West Bengal 361,008 306,145 12,615 531,282 486,151 20,192 297,287 11 0.33 48,085 0 0.00
Grand Total 6,060,011 6,729,575 233,055 7,073,619 9,633,566 331,726 6,435,280 7,531,575 247,589 3,037,107 3,530,255 101,274

Note:- 1. For the purpose of counting number of beneficiaries paid in a financial year, the beneficiary is counted if a beneficiary is paid any instalment in a year. If the same beneficiary receives any instalment in subsequent years, the beneficiary will be counted in number of beneficiaries paid in that year as well. The total beneficiaries paid across the years cannot be added to get the total beneficiaries paid. However, in case of enrolment, the beneficiary is counted for enrolment only in the first year of registration.

2. Based on information received from Public Financial Management System (PFMS).

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