(a) the details of canals being constructed in various parts of the country under Inter-State Irrigation Projects, State- wise;

(b) whether inspite of completion of work on some canals the water has not been released so far;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps the Government propose to take to make water available in the canals?

Answer given by the minister


(a) 14 Inter-State projects are under implementation as per details given in Annexure indicating Plan of start, latest estimated cost, cumulative expenditure, ultimate irrigation potential and potential created.

(b) to (d) Irrigation being a State subject, irrigation projects, including flood control & drainage, are planned, investigated, funded, executed, operated and maintained by the State Governments themselves as per their own priorities. The operation & maintenance of the inter-state projects including the canal system is done by either the State Government where the project is located or jointly by beneficiary States through Control Boards/Regulation Committees. Generally speaking wherever part storage is constructed and part canal system is ready, water for irrigation is released.

Statement referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4552 to be answered on 22.04.2002 regarding construction of canals

S.No Name of State/UT Started LEC + Cum. UIP Pot.
. Project involved in (Rs. In Exp. (th. Created	Plan Crores) upto Ha.) upto IX 3/2000 Plan (th. Ha.)

1 Tungabadhra Andhra III 467.26 201.88 84.61 47.07 High Pradesh Level Canal Karnataka II 79.48 51.83
2 Subernarekha Bihar V Orissa VII 2376.16 917.73 236.85 - West Bengal AP 90-92 1270.60 469.93 190.36 9.32 696.00 28.19 114.20 -
3 Bansagar Bihar V 234.00 104.34 Madhya V 344.66 158.18 249.00 5.00 Pradesh Uttar V 234.00 107.00 Pradesh
4 Tillari Goa V 320.63 219.67 24.62 2.17 Maharashtra AP 78-80 167.70 179.77
5 Mahi Bajaj Gujarat - - Sagar Rajasthan IV 1016.98 626.81 94.01 29.49
6 Sardar Gujarat VII 22176.95 6631.07 1826.98 235.72 Sarovar Madhya - - - Pradesh Maharashtra - - - Rajasthan - - -
7 Gurgaon Haryana III 65.00 33.56 81.00 61.00 Canal Rajasthan III 35.40 26.68 22.78 5.42 Uttar - - Pradesh
8 Sutlej Haryana V 601.00 504.62 Yamuna Link Canal Punjab VII 3379.53 2713.66 130.00 2.50
9 Shahnahar Himachal VIII 150.78 - 24.76 0.50 Pradesh Punjab VI 148.48 -
10 Dudhganga Karnataka VI 110.00 12.82 Maharashtra V 798.66 243.70
11 Rajghat Madhya V 133.60 127.28 116.60 18.80 Pradesh

(Rani Laxmi Uttar V 150.80 133.08 Bai Pradesh Canal)
12 Urmil Madhya V 32.01 19.89 7.70 3.80 Pradesh Uttar - - - - Pradesh
13 Bawanthadi Madhya VI 52.75 0.00 29.40 0.00 Pradesh

(Rajiv Maharashtra AP 78-80 124.17 53.03 Sagar) 14 Lendi Andhra - - - Pradesh Maharashtra VI 204.60 17.08 15.79 0.00
+ LEC - Latest Estimated Cost UIP - Ultimate Irrigation Potential