(a) whether there is failure in achieving targets in the field of power, railway, road and ports under 12th Five Year Plan which are the basic infrastructure for development;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has conducted any survey to determine the causes that led to shortfall in achieving the targets; and

(d) if so, the details thereof along with corrective measures taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The physical performance in power, railways, roads and ports sectors during the first two years i.e. 2012-13 and 2013-14 of the Twelfth Five Year Plan are indicated below:

Power sector: The performance of power sector in key areas is indicated in Table 1 below: Table 1

 Projects 2012-13 2013-14	Target Achievement	Target Achievement Capacity addition (MW)	17,956.3 20,622.8	18,432.3 17,825.1 Energy generation	930 912.06	975 967.15 (billion units) 
Railways: The performance of railways in infrastructure capacity creation in key areas is indicated in Table 2 below:
 Table 2 Projects 2012-13 2013-14	Target	Achievement	Target	Achievement New lines (Kms.)	750	501	500	450 Doubling (kms.)	850	705	800	708 Gauge conversion (Kms.)	900	605	900	404 Electrification (Kms.)	1,200	1,317	1,300	1,350 Locomotives (Nos.)	630	678	675	687 Coaches (Nos.)	4,000	4,023	4,400	3,887 Wagons (Vehicle Units)	16,000	16,894	16,000	9,326 
Roads: The performance of Central Road sector in key areas is indicated in Table 3 below: Table 3
 Projects 2012-13 2013-14	Target	Achievement	Target	Achievement Length awarded (Kms.) 7,464	1,116 5,871	3,060 Completion of corridors (kms.)	3,000	2,845 3,000	1,901 SARDP-NE# (Kms.) completion	300	260 550	363 LWE## Roads (kms.) 1,200	1,049 1,100	545 
# Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North East ## Left Wing Extremism affected areas

Ports: The performance of Port sector in key areas is indicated in Table 4 below: Table 4
 Projects 2012-13 2013-14	Target Achievement	Target Achievement No. of Projects	42 32 30 30 Investment (Rs. crore)	14,353.08 6,765.63	26,445.5 20,709.93 Capacity (MTPA)	245.66 136.75	281.98 217.57 
 Some of the major reasons for shortfall in achievements during 2012-13 and 2013-14 include fund constraints, delays in environment and forest clearances, issues in land acquisition and constraints in bank lending. 

(c) & (d) No, Madam. However, the Government has taken/announced several initiatives which include the following: Power:

(i) Automatic approval of Foreign Direct Investment: Automatic approval for 100% foreign equity is permitted in generation, transmission and distribution, and trading in the power sector without any upper ceiling on the quantum of investment.

(ii) Signing of Fuel Supply Agreements: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has issued a directive to the Ministry of Coal/Coal India Limited to sign fuel supply agreements (FSAs) for a total capacity of 78,000 MW, including tapering linkage, which are likely to be commissioned by March, 2015.

(iii) Pass-Through mechanism: Pass-through mechanism for the concluded Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) has been approved by the CCEA.

(iv) “Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana” for electricity feeder separation and strengthening sub-transmission and distribution systems in rural areas has been launched.

(v) “Ultra Mega Solar Power” projects in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and Laddakh in J&K have been announced.Road:

(i) Project Preparation: NHAI has decided not to award projects till all pre- construction approvals are in place to avoid post-bid delays and litigations.

(ii) Streamlining of land acquisition: The process of land acquisition and collection of data on this acquisition has been streamlined by standardizing formats and collecting periodic data for effective monitoring of land acquisition process. Guidelines have been issued for streamlining the land acquisition process.

(iii) Streamlining of Environment Clearances: The NHAI has taken several proactive measures and ensured that for existing and future projects the process of obtaining environment and forest clearances has been relaxed significantly.

(iv) Dispute Resolution: Mechanism for speedy resolution of long pending disputes in engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) and Built, Operate and Transfer (BOT) have been established.

(v) Exit for Equity Investors: NHAI has allowed complete exit to equity investors for all concessions post-completion of projects which is expected to unlock growth capital for utilisation in future projects and infuse capital into the sector.

(vi) Coordination with other ministries: Several mechanisms have been established to ensure better coordination with other ministries, namely Railways, utilities-owning departments/ministries, etc to ensure smooth execution of projects.


(i) Initiatives for building rail connectivity to ports and mines have been undertaken.

(ii) Opening of Foreign Direct Investment in the sector.

(iii) Setting up of High Speed Rail Corporation of India to develop high speed rail corridors in India.


(i) Upto 100% FDI under the automatic route is allowed for port development projects.

(ii) Bidding documents like RFQ, RFP and Concession Agreement have been standardised.

(iii) Enhanced delegation of financial powers to Shipping Ministry to accord investment approval for PPP projects.

(iv) Streamlining of security clearance procedures.

(v) Close monitoring of developmental projects in the Major Ports.

Further, Sagarmala project has been formulated to promote port led development of hinterland along with integrated development of port connectivity through Road, Rail, Inland Waterways and Coastal Shipping.

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