(a) whether the number of flights operating from the Gorakhpur airport is very low;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government is considering to increase the operation of flights from the above airport;

(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and

(e) the steps being taken to improve the infrastructural facilities at the said airport?

Answer given by the minister


(a)and (b):- The scheduled domestic air services to/from Gorakhpur are available from Delhi only. At present only Jet Airways is operating 5 flights per week on the Delhi-Gorakhpur-Delhi sector.

(c) and (d):- Operations in domestic sector have been deregulated and flights are being operated by concerned airlines on the basis of commercial viability subject to adherence of Route Dispersal Guidelines. Government has laid down Route Dispersal Guidelines with a view to achieve better regulation of air transport services taking into account the need for air connectivity of different regions of the country including North-East region. It is, however, up to the airlines to provide air services to specific places depending upon the traffic demand and commercial viability while complying with Route Dispersal Guidelines.

(e):- Gorakhpur Airport belongs to Indian Air Force (IAF). Airports Authority of India (AAI) maintains Civil Enclave having an area of 0.71 acres to handle civil operations. Anticipating increase in air traffic in the area, AAI has projected additional land requirement of 3.26 acrs to the IAF. Meanwhile, Government of India has accorded in-principle approval for a new Greenfield airport in the area at Kushinagar which is 50 kms from Gorakhpur airport. However the decision to improve infrastructure facility at Gorakhpur Airport shall depend upon the aviation growth, projection of air traffic for the area, air traffic pattern and subject to availability of land by IAF.