(a) Statement is annexed.
(b) & (c) : The national AIDS Control programme has used integrated Bio- Behavioural Assessment (IBBA), HIV Surveillance
Surveys (HSS), Situation Papers of IDU and MSM, Studies on Migration and HIV to integrate regular medical check ups, presumptive
treatment, positive prevention, revision of migrant strategy to strengthen uptake of services, condom use by bringing in behaviour
change among vulnerable groups including sex workers. Further the results of HSS and above studies are being used for formulating
the next Phase (i.e. Phase IV) of National Programme.
The National AIDS Control Programme phase III (NACP III) has adopted following strategies to create awareness among the vulnerable
groups including sex workers, they are:
Information, Education, Communication (IEC)
To create awareness the Communication Strategy includes:
(i) Motivate Behaviour Change in a cross-section of identified population at risk, including the high risk Groups (Female Sex
Workers, Injecting Drug Users and Men having Sex with Men) and Bridge Population Groups (Clients of Sex Workers, Migrants and Truck Drivers);
(ii) Raise awareness levels about Risk and the Need for Behaviour Change and the Use of Condoms among Youth and Women in the
General Population;
(iii) Generate a demand for health services; and
(iv) Create an enabling environment for prevention as well as institutional and community care and support.
Regular IEC campaigns are conducted at national and state level through mass-media, mid-media and interpersonal communication to
disseminate messages on HIV/AIDS and promote safe behavioural practices. The following is the summary of key programme areas.
1. Mass Medial Campaigns:
Mass Media campaigns are being undertaken by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and State AIDS Control Societies (SACS).
The campaigns are conducted on thematic areas i.e. Youth vulnerability, Counselling & Testing, HIV-TB, Condom promotion,
Treatment services, Stigma & Discrimination and Blood Safety are conducted on TV and Radio through television, radio and
newspapers, which cover all the states.
In addition to the campaigns, long format TV and Radio programmes are also produced and aired on Doordarshan and All India
Radio at State level.
2. Outdoor & Mid Media Activities:
SACS prepare their Annual Action Plan, which are approved by NACO under the decentralized plan process. Out door and Mid
Media activities are implemented as per the approved action plan by states.
# The activities include folk performances addressing different issues related to HIV/AIDS.
# Mobilization through IEC vans.
# Hoardings, wall writings, bus panels and information kiosks.
# IEC material are being printed and distributed for general population, vulnerable and high risk population.
3. Interpersonal Communication:
The interpersonal activities along with mainstreaming and training are being undertaken by SACS at the grass root level
to sensitize high risk groups, vulnerable section of community including youth, migrants, local leadership, government
functionaries, frontline workers etc.
# Training programmes are conducted for grassroots stakeholders such as members of self-help groups, panchayati
raj institutions, anganwadi workers, ASHA, ANM etc.
# Red Ribbon Clubs (RRC) have been formed in Colleges and Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) is under implementation
in 20 states reaching out to youth and adolescents with messages on HIV/AIDS and life skills.
4. Red Ribbon Express project (RRE)
In addition to above activities, special activity namely Red ribbon Express Project was implemented by NACO in two phases.
Targeted Intervention and Link Worker Scheme
Strategy to target vulnerable groups including Sex workers through:
# Counselling and Behaviour Change Communication
# STI care
# Free supply of Condoms
# Community mobilization to ensure optimum service utilization.