Question : Closed Power Projects

(a) whether various power projects in the country are lying closed at present and many of the power plants are also not generating power as per their capacity;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor, State-wise including Maharashtra; and

(c) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to bring the closed power projects back into the state of operation and enhance the capacity of the plants engaged in generation of power along with the outcome thereof, state-wise including Maharashtra?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) : The details of power generation & plant load factor (PLF) of Thermal Power Stations of 25 MW and above in the country during the current year 2021-22 (upto June 2021) is given at Annexure.

The generation capacity is created considering the peak demand, because of which there will always be some idle capacity. The PLF/generation of thermal, (coal/lignite based) Stations depends on total electricity demand in the country and generation from various other sources like Hydro, Nuclear, Gas and Renewables etc. Renewable Energy projects have been accorded “Must Run Status” and therefore get dispatched on priority and are generally fully utilized. The hydro power plants are generally fully utilized. The utilization of coal/lignite based plants depends on balance generation required from thermal Stations and the position of the particular plant in the merit order. For these reasons, the thermal Stations do not operate on full capacity.

(c) : Several measures have been undertaken to relieve stressed power projects. These include amendments to the existing policy and legal issues regarding fuel and commercial linkages between the various stakeholders. Also, there are ongoing Renovation & Modernisation (R&M)/Life Extension (LE) interventions to enhance the capacity or improve the efficiency of the plants already engaged in power generation.


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