to the reply given to the Unstarred Question No.3884 on December, 13, 2001 regarding Irrelevant laws reported by the Committee and state:

(a) whether the information has since been collected;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) if not, the reasons for the delay in this regard;

(d) whether any officer has been held responsible for the delay; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


Assurance given on USQ No.3884 dt.13.12.2001 has been fulfilled by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances) on 11.3.2002 since that Ministry is administratively concerned with the subject (A copy of the same is annexed).

8th Session, 2001 of the 13th Lok Sabha Ministry of Personal, PG and Pensions, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances.

Date of fulfillment: 11.3.2002

Q. No., Date & Name of M.P.(s) Subject Promise made How Fulfilled Reasons for delay USQ No. 3884 dt.13.12.2001 by Shri Abdul Rashid Shaheen, MP and Shri Mansinh Patel, MP IRRELEVANT LAWS REPORTED BY THE COMMITTEEAsking:-a) whether a Committee constituted by the Government has found some laws irrelevant and reported the same to the Government;b) if so, the total number of irrelevant laws reported by the Committee;c) whether the Government have also decided to repeal these irrelevant laws;d) if so, the details thereof; ande) the steps taken to implement the decision? (a) to (e): The requisite information is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House. (a) to (e) : A Statement is enclosed.

Statement referred to in Assurance for the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3884 [parts (a) to (e) ] dated 13.12.2001

The Commission on Review of Administrative Laws, which was set up by the government in May, 1998 and which submitted its report in September, 1998 has recommended repeal of 1382 Central Laws of different categories on the ground that these Acts etc. have become either irrelevant or dysfunctional, as follows:

Sl.No.	Types of Legislation	Number
1. Amendment Acts 315

2. Appropriation Acts (approximately) 700

3. Central Acts relating to state subjects 114

4. Central Acts (including 11 Pre-Nationalization Acts and 20 Validation Acts) 166

5. British Statutes still in force 11 6. War-time Permanent Ordinances 17

7 Reorganization Acts 35

8. Laws applicable to High Courts 12

9. Personal Laws. 12
Total 1382

315 Amendment Acts specified at
(i) above have been repealed by enactment of the Repealing and Amending Act, 2001 (Act 30 of 2001). The issue pertaining to 700 Appropriation Acts specified at
(ii) above was referred to the Attorney General of India for advice which has been received and the matter has now been referred to the Public Account Committee Secretariat for their views. In so far as, 114 Central Acts relating to state List specified at
(iii) above are Concerned, 5 Central Acts relating to State List (List II) have interalia been repealed by enactment of the Judicial Administration Laws (Repeal) Act, 2001. The State Governments have been apprised of the position in the matter and further action in respect of the balance Acts is required to be initiated by the respective State Governments. Of the remaining 253 Acts specified at
(iv) to (ix) above, 65 Acts, including four Ordinance, have been repealed as on date. 41 Acts are at various stages of repeal. 20 Acts are under examination to take a decision regarding their repeal or otherwise. Six Acts pertain to the State List on which action is to be taken by the State Governments. Four Acts have been repeated in the list of 166 Central Acts recommended for repeal by the Commission. In respect of the balance 117 Acts, the concerned Ministries/Departments have taken a decision not to repeal them.

A Standing Committee has been constituted on 16 November, 1998 to monitor the implementation of the follow-up action on the report of the Commission on Review Administrative Laws.