Question : Mobile Medical Units under NHM

(a) the details of the major healthcare programmes being implemented by the Government in the country, State/UT-wise including Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh;
(b) whether the provision of Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) has been made under National Health Mission (NHM) in the country;
(c) if so, the details thereof along with MMUs functioning in Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, district-wise; and
(d) the funds allocated for setting up MMUs, State/ UT-wise particularly in Amravati Parliamentary Constituency?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : “Public Health and Hospitals” is a State subject, hence, the primary responsibility of providing healthcare services to the people of the county lies with the State Governments. However, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India provides technical and financial support to the States/UTs to strengthen the public healthcare facilities. Support is provided to States/UTs under the National Health Mission (NHM) for universal access to equitable, affordable & quality health care services to all citizens of the country based on the requirements posed by States/UTs in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) and within their overall resource envelope. Under NHM, States are supported for several interventions towards strengthening the primary healthcare services in the country.

Details of major healthcare programmes are implemented by the Government in the country, State/UT-wise including Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are given at Annexure-I.

(b) & (c): NHM has the provision of mobile medical Units (MMUs). Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) provide a range of health care services for populations living in remote, inaccessible, unserved and underserved areas mainly with the objective of taking healthcare service delivery to the doorsteps of these populations. With the launch of NUHM, the MMU services are also catering to the urban poor and vulnerable population and provide fixed services in areas where there is a lack of adequate infrastructure.There are total 1,658 MMUs operationaized for delivery of health carein India. There is no MMU support sought by Bihar & Madhya Pradesh under NHM. The functional MMUs in Jammu & Kashmir is 10 and in Maharashtra is 17. The District-wise MMUs functional in the states of Jammu & Kashmir and Maharashtra (through NHM support) are given at Annexure-II.

(d): Government of India supports states/UTs by providing the operational cost of MMUs which are already purchased or where capital expenses are borne by state. The funds allocated by National Health Mission for MMUs are available in the Record of proceedings (RoP) of each state/UT. The year-wise RoPs are available at As reported by Maharashtra State, funds released for Amravati District MMU during the last 3 years is given below:-

Financial Year Fund released for MMU (Amravati District)
2019-20 Rs. 24.52 Lakhs
2020-21 Rs. 24.52 Lakhs
2021-22 Rs. 72.91 Lakhs

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