Question : Irregularities in LPG Connection

(a) whether the Government has received a number of complaints of irregularities in providing LPG connections and if so, the details thereof;
(b) the details of average consumption of LPG per household in rural areas of the country;
(c) the details of subsidised/nonsubsidised domestic LPG consumers in the country and per cylinder subsidy being provided to them; and
(d) whether the Government proposes to open LPG agencies in rural areas to ease the availability of LPG in rural and tribal areas of the country and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have reported 221 established cases of irregularities in providing LPG connections during the last three years. In all the established cases of irregularities by distributorships, action is taken against the concerned distributors as per Marketing Discipline Guidelines/Distributorship Agreement.
(b) OMCs have reported that there is no separate flagging of “Rural’ or ‘Urban’ customers in software system to bifurcate the LPG consumer population on this basis. However, customers of distributors under rural markets (including Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak) and part of Urban-Rural market are deemed to be rural customers. Based on the above assumption, OMCs have reported average per capita consumption of LPG in rural areas of the country as around 4.5 numbers of 14.2 KG cylinders per active customer per annum.
(c) As on 20.6.2019, there are 24.76 crore and 1.63 crore subsidized and non subsidized domestic LPG consumers in the country respectively. Effective 1st June 2019, the subsidy amount on domestic LPG in Delhi market is Rs 240.13 per 14.2 KG cylinder.
(d) Appointment of LPG distributorships is a continuous process and locations for setting up of LPG distributorships are identified based on sale potential that makes them commercially viable. As on 01.06.2019, Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have 23,776 LPG distributors across the country. During the last 5 years i.e. from 2014-15 to 2018-19, OMCs have commissioned more than 9 thousand LPG distributorships to make LPG easily available and accessible to the customers

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