(a) & (b): Government of India supplements the efforts of the State
Governments with technical and financial assistance through the centrally
sponsored National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) for provision of
safe drinking water to the rural population in the country. Under NRDWP.
3% of the allocation has been made for Water Quality Monitoring and
Surveillance, which interalia includes, setting up of new/upgrading
existing water quality testing laboratories at State, District and
Sub-district levels. So far States have reported setting up of 23 State,
735 district and 906 sub-district laboratories. State-wise altocation of
funds made under NRDWP-Support component for Water Quality Monitoring
and Surveillance activities during 2011-12 and the number of laboratories
is given at Annexure.
(c) to (e): The framework on implementation of Water Quality Monitoring &
Surveillance activities which interalia include testing of drinking water
sources through laboratories at various levels is given in the NRDWP
guidelines. States can set up new laboratories or upgrade existing water
quality testing laboratories depending upon specific needs in each State.
This is a continuous process as quality of drinking water is dynamic and
changes with time due to various reasons.