Question : NOTICE TO FCI

(a) whether Director General of Investigation and Registration has issued notice to FCI under MRTP Act for irregularities regarding sale of upgrade rice through traders;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether FCI officials are not furnishing requisite information since February, 1999 when the first notice under MRTP was issued; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister



(a) Yes Sir.

(b) In response to FCI Regional Office Lucknow`s tender notice in the newspaper published on 27-5-97 regarding sale of 46,094.30 MT of upgradeable rice lying in various depots of FCI under U.P. Region the Senior Regional Manager, FCI accepted offer of 8864.40 MT of rice. M/s Gopal Rai Shri Ram, Delhi had also quoted rates for 3 lots of raw rice amounting to a quantity of 402 MTs and M/s Charbhuja Trading Co., who had quoted for a substantial quantity of common as well as fine varieties of rice, offered to purchase the entire quantity provided his rates were accepted. SRM, U.P. accepted this offer in the overall interest of FCI. But meanwhile the cut off price of upgradeable rice was revised upwards and the tenders were scrapped. Against this decision of scrapping of tenders M/s Charbhuja Trading Co., filed a writ petition in the Hon`ble High Court of Allahabad (Lucknow Bench) who passed orders for keeping the sale of these stocks of rice in abeyance. Hence the quantities quoted by M/s Charbhuja Trading Co., as well as M/s Gopal Rai Shri Ram have not been disposed of. Against the decision of the SRM, U.P. to consider the offer of M/s Charbhuja Trading Co., and not giving acceptance of offer to M/s Gopal Rai Shri Ram, Delhi who had quoted rates for three lots, the party, M/s Gopal Rai Shri Ram, Delhi filed a complaint with Director General of Investigation & Registration (DGI&R) under Section 11(2) of MRTP Act, 1969.

(c) & (d) : The reply to DGI&R could not be submitted for want of certain clarifications from SRM Lucknow, which have now been received. In the meantime, some additional information has been sought for by DGI&R which is being collected from FCI, Regional Office Lucknow and the reply alongwith additional information as well as documents will be sent to DGI&R.