Question : Request from HRD Ministry

(a) Whether the Ministry has received any request from the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) in the Revised Estimate 2019-20 or Budget Estimate 2020-21 with a view to provide pensionary benefits of gratuity and commuted pension to retired teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas of Bhopal region who retired in March, 2020 and if so, the details thereof;

(b) Whether the same has been approved by the Ministry and if so, the details thereof indicating the amount thereof;

(c) If not, the steps taken for expeditious release of funds to the Ministry of HRD so as to ensure that Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers are not deprived of their legitimate right in the absence of which they are suffering financially for the last ten months;

(d) Whether the first batch of supplementary Demands for GRANTS 2019-20 would be able to provide gratuity and commuted pension to the teachers of Bhopal region who retired in March, 2019; and

(e) If so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Ministry of Human Resource Development projects requirement of funds in their Budget Estimates (BE) and Revised Estimates (RE) proposals for a particular year to ensure that all teachers who retire, get their retirement benefits without delay. The Ministry of Human Resource Development has allocated `1464.64 crore in RE 2019-20 under Grants in Aid-General to meet out the pension and pensionary benefits to all employees who will retire up to March, 2020 and had also allocated an amount of `1131.50 crore in BE 2020-21 under Grants in Aid-General for payment of pension and pensionary benefits to all employees who will retire up to March, 2021. These allocations also included provisions for teachers of Bhopal Region.

(b) and (c) The above proposals form part of the Budget 2020-21 which is presently under consideration in the Parliament.

(d) and (e) Over and above the approved BE 2019-20 of `980 crore under Grants in Aid-General so far, an additionality of 484.64 crore has been made available to KVS during the year 2019-20 in the First Batch of Supplementary Demand for Grants to meet the requirement of pension, pensionary benefits and arrears of pension.

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