Question : Indian Smartphone Market

Will the Minister of Electronics and Information Technology be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Indian smartphone market declined by 1.7% in 2020 and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(b) whether the Government expects the Indian smartphone market to grow in the current year driven by customers upgrading their devices and other factors and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and
(c) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to improve the smartphone market in India?

Answer given by the minister

): The demand of smartphones declined during the lockdown imposed in 2020 due to COVID-19. However, the domestic market rebounded thereafter and as per India Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA), the overall impact on the market by the end of 2020 stands at about 1~2% lower, compared to previous year.

(b): Post COVID-19 pandemic, smartphones have become multi-utility devices that are facilitating access to education, health, entertainment services, etc. As per ICEA, the mobile phone market size is expected to reach end at par by the end of 2020-21 as compared to the previous year. The mobile phone market is presently valued at approximately INR 2 lakh crore and is expected to grow by 20%~25% in 2021.

(c): The steps taken by the Government to promote domestic electronics manufacturing are annexed, which inter-alia will aid in improving the smartphone market in India.


Steps taken by the Government to promote domestic electronics manufacturing

1. National Policy on Electronics 2019: The National Policy on Electronics 2019 (NPE 2019) has been notified on 25.02.2019. The vision of NPE 2019 is to position India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including chipsets, and creating an enabling environment for the industry to compete globally.

To attract and incentivize large investments in the electronics value chain and promote exports, following Schemes have been notified under the aegis of NPE 2019:

(i) Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing notified vide Gazette Notification No.CG-DL-E-01042020-218990 dated April 01, 2020 provides an incentive of 4% to 6% to eligible companies on incremental sales (over base year) involved in mobile phone manufacturing and manufacturing of specified electronic components, including Assembly, Testing, Marking and Packaging (ATMP) units.
(ii) Scheme for Promotion of Manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors (SPECS) notified vide Gazette Notification No.CG-DL-E-01042020-218992 dated April 01, 2020 provides financial incentive of 25% on capital expenditure for the identified list of electronic goods that comprise downstream value chain of electronic products, i.e., electronic components, semiconductor / display fabrication units, ATMP units, specialized sub-assemblies and capital goods for manufacture of aforesaid goods.
(iii) Modified Electronics Manufacturing Clusters (EMC 2.0) Scheme notified vide Gazette Notification No.CG-DL-E-01042020-218991 dated April 01, 2020 provides support for creation of world class infrastructure along with common facilities and amenities, including Ready Built Factory (RBF) sheds / Plug and Play facilities for attracting major global electronics manufacturers along with their supply chain to set up units in the country. The Scheme provides financial assistance for setting up of both EMC projects and Common Facility Centres (CFCs) across the country.
2. Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP) has been notified to promote domestic value addition in mobile phones and their sub-assemblies / parts manufacturing. As a result, India has rapidly started attracting investments into this sector and significant manufacturing capacities have been set up in the country. The manufacturing of mobile phones has been steadily moving from Semi Knocked Down (SKD) to Completely Knocked Down (CKD) level, thereby progressively increasing the domestic value addition.
3. Tariff Structure has been rationalized to promote domestic manufacturing of electronic goods, including, inter-alia, Cellular mobile phones, Televisions, Electronic components, Set Top Boxes for TV, LED products and Medical electronics equipment.
4. Exemption from Basic Customs Duty on capital goods: Notified capital goods for manufacture of specified electronic goods, including mobile phones, are permitted for import at “NIL” Basic Customs Duty.
5. Simplified import of used plant and machinery: The import of used plant and machinery having a residual life of at least 5 years for use by the electronics manufacturing industry has been simplified through the amendment of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, vide Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Notification dated 11.06.2018.
6. Relaxing the ageing restriction: The Department of Revenue vide Notification No.60/2018-Customs dated 11.09.2018 has amended the Notification No.158/95-Customs dated 14.11.1995, relaxing the ageing restriction from 3 years to 7 years for specified electronic goods manufactured in India and re-imported into India for repairs or reconditioning.
7. Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017: To encourage ‘Make in India’ and to promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India with a view to enhancing income and employment, the Government has issued Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017 vide the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Order dated 15.06.2017 and subsequent revisions vide Orders dated 28.05.2018, 29.05.2019, 04.06.2020 and 16.09.2020. In furtherance of the aforesaid Order, MeitY has notified mechanism for calculating local content for 13 Electronic Products viz., (i) Desktop PCs, (ii) Thin Clients, (iii) Computer Monitors, (iv) Laptop PCs, (v) Tablet PCs, (vi) Dot Matrix Printers, (vii) Contact and Contactless Smart Cards, (viii) LED Products, (ix) Biometric Access Control / Authentication Devices, (x) Biometric Finger Print Sensors, (xi) Biometric Iris Sensors, (xii) Servers, and (xiii) Cellular Mobile Phones, for procurement to be made from locals suppliers.

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