Question : PSUs under the Ministry

(a) the total number of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under the Ministry along with the number of those making profit and losses separately, sector-wise;
(b) the action plan formulated to revive the loss making PSUs and make them viable venture;
(c) the details of flagship programmes implemented under the Ministry;
(d) the funds allocated, utilised and unutilised in this regard during each of the last three years and the current year, programme-wise; and
(e) the other steps proposed to be taken by Government to promote PSUs?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) There are five (05) Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under the administrative control of this Ministry viz. MMTC Limited, State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC), PEC Limited, ECGC Limited and Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO). In addition, there is STCL Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of State Trading Corporation of India Limited) and two subsidiaries of ITPO i.e. Karnataka Trade Promotion Organisation and Tamil Nadu Trade Promotion Organisation. All these PSUs fall in the category of trading PSUs.

The above PSUs except STCL Limited, PEC Limited. and STC, are profit making PSUs. As STCL Limited was making losses since 2008-09, Government approved the winding up of the company and accordingly STCL Limited has filed a winding up petition in High Court of Karnataka in 2013. PEC Limited has made losses during the last three financial years i.e. 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. STC has registered losses in 2016-17 only.

PEC Limited has got a study conducted by a professional consultancy firm for preparation of revival plan. STC has identified and implemented a number of cost cutting measures to improve its profitability which inter-alia includes closure of non-productive branch offices, reduction in manpower and administrative cost, etc.

(c) Though various schemes and programmes are implemented by the Ministry, none of them fall within the category of flagship programmes.

(d) Does not arise.

(e) The Government regularly reviews the performance of CPSEs to strengthen them.

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