Question : Flying Rights

(a) the details of flying rights that India has with other countries, country-wise;

(b) whether in spite of having flying rights, our airlines are not getting slots in overseas locations, if so, the details thereof;

(c) the reasons due to which the utilisation of traffic rights by Indian carriers is low;

(d) whether the Ministry proposes to include slots in the Air Service Agreement with other countries; and

(e) if so, the detail thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION

(Shri Jayant Sinha)

a): The details of flying rights that India has with other countries is attached as Annex.;

(b): In December 2015 Federation of Indian Airlines had drawn the attention of the Government towards the non availability of viable slots for Indian carriers at Dubai International Airport. However, as on date Indian carriers are utilising almost all entitlements on India - Dubai sector.;

(c): Utilisation of traffic rights by Indian carriers depends on the business model of the individual domestic carriers and their ability to compete with foreign carriers.

(d) & (e): No Madam. Air Service Agreement provides a legal framework for operation of any airlines which inter alia provides provision for traffic rights, points of call, designation of airlines etc. whereas slot is a right granted by an airport owner which allows an airline to schedule a landing or departure during a specific time period.

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