(a) to (c) No NGOs are functioning under the Ministry of Rural Development. However, the Ministry gives project based funding to NGOs for training, research and evaluation, promotion of innovative technology in rural housing. Council for Advancement of People`s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) under the Ministry of Rural Development funds projects to NGOs under its three schemes of Promotion of Voluntary Action in Rural Development (PC), Organization of Beneficiaries (OB) and Advancement of Rural Technology (ARTs). The Voluntary Organizations which have been registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or State amendment thereof, the Indian Trusts Act, 1982 or the Charitable and Religious Act, 1920, are eligible for support by CAPART. It should be working at least for three years with participants in rural areas and should not have been put on the CAPART`s list of organisations to which funding has been suspended/stopped.
(d) to (h) CAPART has a system of monitoring and evaluation of the projects funded by it through empanelled project evaluators. Provisions are made to monitor projects at least at 3 stages, i.e., pre-funding appraisal before the project is sanctioned, mid-term appraisal before release of funds in the second and subsequent phases and post-evaluation after the project has been completed. It has a system for ensuring proper accountability of grants released by it to the voluntary organizations (VOs) for implementation of projects. Whenever CAPART gets prima facie evidence that grants released by it have not been properly utilized by the VO or the promises made in the proposal have not been fulfilled during implementation of the project, a temporary funding restriction, namely, Further Assistance Stopped (FAS) is imposed on the erring VO. In case a VO is found to have indulged in financial misappropriation of CAPART grant, it can be placed in the Blacklist category as per !
the laid down guidelines and procedure. A list of the NGOs against whom such action has been taken till date is given in the statement at Annexure.
Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2383 for 19.03.2002 by Shri Vijay Kumar Khandelwal, M.P. regarding `Non-Government Organisations`.
STATE NO.OF ACTION TAKEN NGOS Placed Placed Defaul- Doubful Delisted Under Under Under ter Catgory after Invest- FAS BLA Catgory Invest- igation igation
Andhra Pradesh 26 15 2 - 1 2 6
Assam 2 1 - - 1 -
Bihar 43 41 1 - 1 - -
Delhi 10 9 1 - - - -
Gujarat 5 4 - - 1 - -
Haryana 12 4 2 - 1 3 2
Himachal Prad 4 4 - - - - -
Jammu & Kashmir 3 3 - - - - -
Jharkahand 9 7 1 1 - - -
Karnattaka 5 4 - - 1 - -
Kerala 3 3 - - - - -
Madhya Pradesh 21 9 3 7 - - 2
Maharashtra 13 12 1 - - - -
Manipur 3 1 2 - - - -
Nagaland 4 2 1 - 1 - -
Orissa 23 19 1 1 - 2 -
Rajasthan 11 10 - - - - 1
Tamil Nadu 23 18 2 - 1 - 2
Uttar Pradesh 76 52 4 3 3 8 6
Uttranchal 2 1 1 - - -
West Bengal 23 17 1 - - 1 4
Total 321 236 22 13 10 17 23
FAS - Further Assistance Stopped till investigation is completed
BL A - Black Listed Agencies not entitled to any future assistance.
Defaulter - Those VOs which are blacklisted by other ministries.
Doubtful - Ascertain the credential of the VO before sanctioning any new project.
Delisted - Removed from FAS/BLA/Defaulter/Doubtful category on appeal and after giving hearing and ascertaining facts.