(a) whether Arunachal Pradesh at present lies below the national per capita average for energy consumption despite of its immense potential in the hydro power sector;

(b) the target set and achievement in the field of hydro power generation during the last five years in the State, year-wise;

(c) the reasons for delay in setting up of hydro power projects and measures for post-clearance monitoring of such projects; and

(d) the time by which the such projects are likely to be completed and power generation capacity likely to be added as a result thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Yes, Madam. The per capita electricity consumption of Arunachal Pradesh for the year 2010-11 was 582.08 kWh as against national per capita average of 818.75 kWh.

(b) : The year-wise target set and achievement thereof in the field of hydro power generation in Arunachal Pradesh during the last five years and upto 30.11.2012 is as per Annex–I.

(c) : The major reasons for delay in setting up of hydro-electric projects are delays in getting statutory clearances include inter-alia, Environment & Forest Clearances, land acquisition problems, resettlement & rehabilitation problems, law & order problems, geological surprises during the construction phase etc.

The measures taken by Ministry of Power for post clearance monitoring of the Hydro-Electric Projects are:-

(i) Central Electricity Authority (CEA) is monitoring the power projects in pursuance of Section 73(f) of Electricity Act, 2003. The progress of each project is monitored continuously through frequent site visits, interaction with the developers, critical study of monthly progress reports. Chairperson, CEA holds review meetings with the developers and other stakeholders to sort out the critical issues.

(ii) A Power Project Monitoring Panel (PPMP) has been set up by the Ministry of Power to independently follow up and monitor the progress of the Hydro Projects.

(iii) Review meetings are taken by Ministry of Power regularly with the concerned officers of CEA, equipment manufacturers, State Utilities/ CPSUs/Project developers, etc. to sort out the critical issues.

(d) : At present three hydro-electric projects are under construction in Arunachal Pradesh, which, after completion would add 2710 MW capacity. The details of these projects along with likely completion schedule and reasons for delay are given in Annex-II.