(a) the details of production, requirement/consumption and availability of copper in the country during each of the last three years, State/UT-wise;

(b) the production capacity of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL);

(c) the details of Government and private sector companies engaged in its mining; and

(d) the quantity and value of copper including refined copper exported during the said period, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of Production and consumption of copper for the last three years is given below:


There are three major primary producers of refined copper in the Country, namely Hindustan Copper Ltd., Hindalco Industries Ltd and Sterlite Industries Ltd and production data of refined copper for the last three years is given below:

Year	Production Lakh MT

2012-13 (provisional) 6.93

2011-12 6.84

2010-11 6.64

In addition to this, there are production units in different States, manufacturing copper products from copper scrap, however, data of their production is not maintained.


Consumption of copper in the Country is estimated by taking sale of refined copper by the primary copper producers and the quantity of imported copper in the form of refined copper & products like bars, wires, plates, scrap & other specialty items by end user segment. Year wise details of the consumption based on above data given below:
Year	Quantity in Lakh Tonnes

Sale by primary Import Consumption producers

2012-13 (provisional) 4.40 1.70 6.10

2011-12 4.45 1.53 5.98

2010-11 4.60 1.06 5.66

Figures of imported copper have been taken from import & export data bank of Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

The availability of copper is sufficient in the Country and the domestic production of refined copper is sufficient to meet the demand in the Country. State/UT-wise data is not maintained centrally.

(b) Production capacity of refined copper of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) is 49,500 Metric Tonnes per annum.

(c) Hindustan Copper Limited, in the Government sector, is the only company mining copper ore in the country.

(d) Quantity and value of refined copper exported during last three year is given below:-

As per the data of Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, quantity and value of copper including copper exported during last three years is given below:
Year	Quantity (lakh tonnes)	Value (Rs crore)

2012-13 (Apri,12 –Feb.13) 2.99 14,148.97

2011-12 3.35 13,681.71

2010-11 3.18 14,148.00
State/UT-wise data is not maintained centrally.