Question : Inclination towards Allopathy Treatment


(a) whether the Government is aware that a large number of people in rural and urban areas are still inclined towards Allopathic treatment;

(b) if so, the reasons therefor and the response of the Government thereto;

(c) whether the Government has started any new schemes to change this inclination and to propagate the use of AYUSH medicines in the treatment of life style diseases, being effective and not having side effects;

(d) whether the Government has set up ultra modern laboratories for the advanced research on AYUSH medicines and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to popularize yoga among the youth in urban areas?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) Yes. According to a survey conducted by the National Statistical Office (NSO) during the period July 2017 to June 2018, percentage of ailments treated by AYUSH is 4.4%.

(b) National Statistical Office (NSO) does not conduct specific survey on AYUSH but undertakes survey on health and morbidity periodically. In this survey, information on nature of treatment (Allopathy, AYUSH, etc.) is also collected. The latest survey on Health and Morbidity known as “Household Social Consumption: Health”, was carried out during NSS 75th round (July 2017 - June 2018).
Table 1: Percentages of ailments treated by allopathy and AYUSH, all-India
sector percentage of ailments treated by
Allopathy AYUSH other
male female all male female all male female all
Rural 95.7 95.1 95.4 4.2 4.7 4.5 0.1 0.2 0.1
Urban 96.2 94.7 95.4 3.6 5.1 4.3 0.2 0.3 0.2
all 95.9 94.9 95.4 4.1 4.8 4.4 0.1 0.3 0.2

Source: Key Indicators on Social Consumption in India: Health - 75th round
(NSS KI-75/25.0,
From this survey, information on percentage of ailments treated by allopathy, AYUSH and others at all-India level for each sector and gender was compiled separately and the same is given in Table 1 above.
1) The reach of AYUSH health facilities is limited in total public health system. AYUSH
is co-located only in 34% of Public Health Institutions.

Rural Health Infrastructure Rural Health Infrastructure co-located with AYUSH facilities available
779 5624 25650 498 2776 7623

Source: AYUSH IN INDIA 2018

2) It is a newly created Ministry. The budget to Ministry of AYUSH is only about 3% of the budget of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. AYUSH system is fragmented and the surveys may not be capturing entire gamete of AYUSH facilities. AYUSH system is having more visibility only now and the surveys may not be capturing the entire gamut of AYUSH facilities.
3) The Government has been expanding the capacity of AYUSH through the research collaborations, interactions with mainstream Institutions, signing of Memorandum of Association (MoU) with foreign countries. The public services are expanded through National AYUSH Mission (NAM) by setting up of AYUSH facilities in various Center Sector Health Facilities.
(c) The Government has taken the following measures to change the inclination and to propagate the use of AYUSH medicine in the treatment of life style diseases by expanding AYUSH services in public health services, by funding research and through increased AYUSH promotional activities:
1) The decision has been taken during January, 2019 that 12,500 Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs) i.e., 10% of the total HWCs under Ayushman Bharat will be developed by the Ministry of AYUSH with the help of Dept. of Health & Family Welfare.
2) Further, the Central Government had launched National AYUSH Mission (NAM) which is the flagship Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Ministry of AYUSH for im¬plementing through States/UTs. National AYUSH Mission (NAM) undertakes the following major activities through States/UTs:
(i) Better access to AYUSH services by supporting States/UTs for opening integrated AYUSH hospitals, up-gradation of AYUSH hospitals and dispensaries, supply of AYUSH medicines.
(ii) Strengthening of AYUSH educational institutions by strengthening States/UTs to improve infrastructure of education institutions.
(iii) Facilitate the enforcement of quality control of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani & Homoeopathy (ASU&H) drugs by establishment of AYUSH pharmacies and drugs testing laboratories.
(iv) Sustainable availability of ASU & H raw-materials by encouraging cultivation of medicinal plants.
3) Under the central sector scheme ‘Public Health Initiatives scheme’, Ministry of AYUSH provide Grants to Govt./NGOs for the roll out of only proven AYUSH interventions for improving health status of the population through AYUSH interventions, like distribution of medicines, organizing health awareness camps etc.
4) The Ministry observes days dedicated to AYUSH Systems of Medicine viz. International Day of Yoga, Ayurveda Day, Unani Day, Siddha Day, Naturopathy Day, Homoeopathy Day etc. to create awareness about the benefits of the respective AYUSH system of medicine including Yoga.

5) Ministry of AYUSH has set-up different research councils to undertake the advanced research in AYUSH system of medicines and also to popularize AYUSH medicine in the treatment of life style disease. Research councils working under AYUSH has done the following activities.
i. Different Research Councils of the Ministry of AYUSH have jointly taken up a project on National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer Diabetes Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) through integration of Homoeopathy and Yoga on pilot basis The programme has been implemented w.e.f. Sept. 2015 in seven districts in different states collaboration with Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
ii. Similarly, another SCSP/TSP mobile health program is being carried out by the CCRAS, CCRH and CCRUM. Under this programme, villages having SC/ST population have been selected to create awareness for preventive aspects of different diseases and to provide treatment to the patients.
iii. The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicines(CCRUM) is continuously taking various initiatives for promoting and popularizing the Unani system of Medicine in the country by different methods e.g. providing treatment through General and specialized OPD services and through conducting Arogyas, Health Melas, Health Camps, and Exhibitions etc.
iv. Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) propagates the use of Homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of lifestyle diseases through 24 institutes/units and treatment OPDs.
v. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) has carried out various activities through 30 institutes/ centers/ units located all over India and also through collaborative studies with various universities, hospitals and institutes.
vi. Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS) have been actively conducted Swasthya Rakshan Programme (SRP) at 13 locations to reach the public and provide the Health care facilities. Specialized treatments are being provided to the public through Non communicable Disease OPD.
vii. Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) is implementing following to propagate Yoga & Naturopathy in the country:
a. Establishment of Post Graduate Institutes of Yoga and Naturopathy Education and Research (PGIYNER) with 200 bedded Yoga and Naturopathy hospital at Jhajjar, Haryana and Nagamangla, Karnataka.

b. Establishment of Central Research Institutes of Yoga & Naturopathy in Odisha, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh along with 100 bedded indoor hospital facilities to carry out in depth research studies to establish the efficacy of Yoga and Naturopathy in various remedies.
c. Collaborative Research Centre to verify the efficacy of Yoga & Naturopathy in various diseases.
d. The Council has opened Yoga and Naturopathy OPDs in Govt. Hospitals/Institutes of Delhi, Haryana, Odisha, Tripura, Kerala, U.P., Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand.
e. Council participates in Health melas/exhibition organized by Ministry of AYUSH and other organizations for promotion of the system.

(d) The following laboratories are working under (CCRAS):
i. Captain Srinivasa Murthy Regional Ayurveda Drug Development Institute, Chennai,
ii. Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Drug Development, Kolkata.
iii. Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Drug Development, Gwalior.

1) Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) has set up following state of the art laboratories for undertaking advance research on Homeopathic medicines:
i. Set up of Drug Development Unit at DDP Central Research Institute(H), Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
ii. Virology laboratory at Dr. Anjali Chatterjee Regional Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, West Bengal.

2) Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS) is equipped with state of the art facilities to carry out IMR projects and other associated research work.

3) Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) has set up ultra-modern laboratories for the advanced research on AYUSH medicines including pharmacology laboratories with animal house for pre-clinical studies, Drug Standardization Research laboratory and Drug testing laboratory at Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine (RRIUM), Chennai.

(e) The Ministry of AYUSH takes up initiatives to create awareness about and to promote AYUSH systems of medicine including Yoga among the citizens including youth in urban areas all over the country. These initiatives include organizing National and State Arogya Fairs, Melas, Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars, Workshops, Symposium, Yoga Utsavs under Information Education and Communication (IEC) scheme. The IEC Scheme also supports undertaking of publicity campaigns through electronic media, print media and social media for spreading awareness about AYUSH Systems of Medicine including Yoga amongst the citizens in the country.

1) The Ministry is also supporting different activities under National AYUSH Mission (NAM) like Yoga Wellness Centers, AYUSH Gram, Public Health Outreach activities, Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities and organization of Yoga.

2) The Ministry has established a high level advisory body namely, “National Board for Promotion of Yoga & Naturopathy” (NBPYN) in February, 2016 to give policy advices and recommendations on broad issues regarding promotion of Yoga & Naturopathy in the country. Inputs of NBPYN have helped the Ministry to strengthen different aspects of the practice of Yoga and Naturopathy in the country.

3) CCRAS, CCRH and CCRUM under Ministry of AYUSH have collaborated with Ministry of Health and Family welfare for the integration of AYUSH (Homeopathy along with Yoga) in the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) since 2015 .

4) Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) has organised Yoga Festivals and One Month Yoga Camp to popularize Yoga among the youth in urban areas.

5) The Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga is an autonomous, non profit making institute, acting as the nodal agency for the development and promotion of yoga culture across the country. The Institute is established by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. MDNIY promote activities related to Yoga by making following efforts: -

i. Running Yoga OPD and providing Yoga treatment in 19 CGHS Wellness Centre and 4 Yoga Therapy Centres in Tertiary/ Allopathy Hospitals.
ii. Running Yoga Centres at 4 Sports Authority of India (SAI) Stadia, preventive healthcare units in CGHS wellness Centres, Yoga Therapy Centres in Govt. Tertiary hospitals.
iii. MDNIY has been recognized as a WHO collaborative Centre (Yoga) and is conducting activities for standardization of Yoga protocols. MDNIY has come out with some protocols related to Yoga for women’s health as follows.
a. Yoga for Children of Age 3-6 years.
b. Yoga for expecting mothers.
c. Yoga for Adolescent girls.
d. Yoga for Lactating mothers.
e. Yoga for women of 40+ age group.


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