(a) whether the Government is aware that some of the outstanding sportspersons of yesteryears are living in indigent circumstances;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto;

(c) whether the Government provides financial assistance to sportspersons of yesteryears under the National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the other measures taken by the Government to enable/facilitate outstanding sportspersons of yesteryears to live a life of dignity?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The Ministry is implementing a scheme named ‘National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons’ under which there is a provision for providing ex-gratia financial assistance to outstanding sportspersons of yesteryears, now living in indigent circumstances whose annual income is less than Rs. 2 lakh. As per objects of the scheme, the funds of the National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons can be utilized for the following purposes:

(i) to provide suitable assistance to outstanding sportspersons now living in indigent circumstances;

(ii) to provide suitable assistance to outstanding sportspersons injured during the period of their training for competitions and also during the competitions, depending on the nature of the injury;

(iii) to provide suitable assistance to outstanding sportspersons who bring glory to the country in international field and who are disabled as an after effect of their strenuous training or otherwise and to provide them assistance for medical treatment;

(iv) to administrator and apply the funds of the Fund to promote the welfare of the sportspersons generally in order to alleviate distress among them and their dependents in indigent circumstances;

(v) to administer and apply the funds of the Fund for active sportspersons individually or collectively as a group;

(vi) to encourage and provide assistance in cash or kind (sports equipments, kit etc) to budding sportspersons, in their pursuit for achieving excellence in sports;

(vii) to do all other things which are incidental to the above objectives.

(d) Details of Sportspersons who have been given financial assistance from National Welfare Fund for sportspersons are given in Annexure.

(e) The Ministry is implementing another scheme titled “Scheme of Pension to Meritorious Sportspersons” from 1984 under which life time monthly pension is given to those sportsperons who have won Gold, Silver and Bronze in Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and World Cups/World Championships (in Olympic and Asian Games disciplines) and Paralympic Games, after they attain the age of 30 years or retire from active sports, whichever is later, at following rates:

S. No. Category of Rate of Pension meritorious (Rs./per month) sportspersons 1 Medalists 10000 at the Olympic Games 2 Gold medalists 8000 at the World Cup/World Championships in Olympic and Asian Games disciplines 3 Silver and 7000 Bronze medalists at the World Cup/World Championships in Olympic and Asian Games disciplines 4 Gold medalists 7000 of the Asian/ Commonwealth Games 5 Silver and 6000 Bronze medalists of the Asian/ Commonwealth Games 6 Gold Medalists 5000 of Para-Olympic Games 7 Silver 4000 medalists of Para-Olympic Games 8 Bronze 3000 Medalists of Para- Olympic Games

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