Question : Pending Projects under PMKSY

(a) whether the Government has conducted any review of the projects running/pending under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State/ UT-wise;

(c) the funds approved, allocated and spent under PMKSY and for other irrigation projects in the country during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise; and

(d) whether the Government has taken any effective steps to complete the running/ pending projects in Bihar at the earliest?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) During 2016-17, ninety-nine (99) on-going Major/Medium irrigation projects under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) - Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), having ultimate irrigation potential of 76.03 lakh ha. and balance estimated balance cost of Rs.77595 cr. have been prioritized in consultation with States, for completion in phases up to December, 2019 along with their Command Area Development & Water Management (CADWM) works. Funding mechanism through NABARD has been approved by the Government for both Central and State share.

Monitoring of the projects is carried out by Central Water Commission regularly. Further, third party monitoring is also being conducted. The progress of the projects is reviewed regularly at all levels in the Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR. Further, PMKSY council under the chairmanship of CEO (NITI Aayog) also reviews the progress of the projects. During the last review meetings held in June/July 2018, states have reported that AIBP works of 31 projects have been completed/almost completed. Further, states have informed that AIBP works of another 32 projects are planned to be completed by June, 2019 and rest of the projects are planned to be completed by Dec., 2019. The State-wise details are at Annexure.

(c) State-wise details of Central Assistance (CA) released during last three years and current year are given at Annexure.

(d) Out of Ninety Nine prioritized projects, two projects are in Bihar State (namely Durgawati & Punpun).CA of Rs. 196.81 cr. has been released for these projects upto 31/03/2018 (under AIBP). Further, an amount of Rs. 37.82 cr. has been sanctioned for Punpun Barrage Project during current financial year. The Government of Bihar has also signed MoA for availing State share from NABARD for completion of these projects by Dec., 2019.



Annexure referred to in reply to parts (a) to (c) of Unstarred Question No. †363 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 19.07.2018 regarding “Pending projects under PMKSY”.
Central Assistance Released/sanctioned under PMKSY-AIBP & CADWM (Rs. In Crore)
Sl. No. State No. of Prioritized projects AIBP works of Projects completed/almost completed (Cumulative)@ 2015-16* 2016-17* 2017-18 * 2018-19 #
June,2018 June,2019
1 Arunachal Pradesh - - - - 8.31 - - - - - -
2 Andhra Pradesh 8 1 7 - - 7.40 - 15.23 - - 3.65
3 Assam 3 - 1 107.92 24.32 - - - - - 3.56
4 Bihar 2 - - 41.51 7.75 - 12.64 46.32 8.76 37.82 -
5 Chhattisgarh 3 2 2 - - 13.29 - 17.25 11.78 - 9.94
6 Goa 1 - - - - - - - - - -
7 Gujarat 1 - - 128.00 354.72 961.88 681.64 1410.49 690.48 - -
8 Haryana - - - - 77.39 - - - - - -
9 Himachal Pradesh - - - - 1.67 - - - - - -
10 Jammu & Kashmir 4 1 2 34.31 27.67 - - 9.57 - - -
11 Jharkhand 1 - - 281.62 - 145.75 - 305.10 - - -
12 Karnataka 5 2 4 208.16 61.10 135.47 31.43 459.52 15.24 - -
13 Kerala 2 - - - 1.93 - - - - - -
14 Madhya Pradesh 14 11 19 188.21 104.31 300.15 77.79 181.27 102.79 - -
15 Maharashtra 26 4 10 307.81 4.78 379.88 15.17 363.02 32.83 57.34 9.38
16 Manipur 2 - 2 142.38 27.92 127.00 0.00 25.42 - - -
17 Odisha 8 2 5 173.80 57.95 457.66 35.27 464.71 58.57 - -
18 Punjab 2 2 2 1.05 155.92 52.42 - - - - -
19 Rajasthan 2 2 2 45.51 113.22 45.89 - 216.87 2.48 - -
20 Tamil Nadu - - - - 29.27 - - - - - -
21 Telangana 11 3 6 112.50 - 545.45 - 13.24 10.22 - 3.07
22 Uttar Pradesh 4 1 1 555.04 76.93 135.63 - 65.60 - - -
23 West Bengal - - - - 7.55 - - - - - -
Total 99 31 63 2327.82 1142.71 3307.86 853.94 3593.61 933.15 95.16 29.60
* In addition to above, Central Assistance of Rs. 600 cr., Rs. 2514 cr., Rs. 2000 cr. and 1400 cr. was released to Polavaram project of Andhra Pradesh during 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19 (so far) respectively. Further, NABARD has released Rs. 3334 cr., and Rs. 4825.72 cr. in respect of State share during 2016-17 & 2017-18 respectively.
# Sanctioned @ Remaining projects are scheduled to be completed by Dec., 2019 in phases.

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