Question : Central Protectees

(a) the functioning of VIP Security Section of the Ministry;

(b) the total number and details of Central Categorized Protectees from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Category-wise;

(c) whether the facilities like PSOs, Police Escort, Vehicles, QRTs, Secure Residential Accommodation, etc. are provided to such protectees and if so, the details thereof;

(d) the yearly expenditure on the above mentioned protectees by the Government; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to notify all the Members of Parliament from Jammu and Kashmir as Central Categorized Protectees?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Matters related to security of vital installations and individuals based on assessment of threat perception are mainly dealt by the VIP Security Section.
(b) & (c) ‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects under the Constitution. The responsibility for providing security to an individual in the jurisdiction of a State Government lies primarily with the State Government.
LS.US.Q.NO.3718 FOR 16.07.2019
Central Government also provides security cover on the basis of periodical assessment of threat to individuals, including those from Jammu and Kashmir. The number of protectees varies from time to time. Security
components such as PSOs, Police escort vehicles, etc. are provided as per security norms.
(d) Such details are not compiled centrally as the components of security are accounted for under budget heads of the respective security agencies.
(e) Security is provided to individuals, including MPs on the basis of assessment of threat.

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