Question : Expansion of Coal Mines

(a) whether the Government is planning to slow down or halt the frantic expansion of coal mines in the country in the wake of climate change commitments and the aggressive plans for a diversification to renewable sources of power and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the newly opened coal mines are expected to last for at least 30-40 years and the manner in which the Government is planning to meet the net- zero targets by 2070, if the new capacity expansion goes unabated and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has a plan for retirement of existing and newly operational coal mines to achieve the energy transition targets, if so, the details thereof; and
(d) the various steps taken by the Government to achieve the energy transition?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The studies shows that demand of coal in electricity generation in India will remain high and will have an increasing trend in the near future. Future coal demand scenario is likely to persist. For energy security of India, the Government has planned production of coal by way of expansion of existing coal mines and by opening new coal mines both in public and private sectors. However, Government is also exploring renewable sources of energy, like installation of solar plants, coal gasification, scientific mine closure and plantation etc, to reduce carbon footprints which will contribute in meeting the net-zero targets.
(c) & (d): In India, energy transition away from coal is not happening in foreseeable future. Although there will be push for renewable/non- fossil based energy, but share of coal in the energy basket is going to remain significant in years ahead. Coal demand in the country is yet to peak. The draft Economic Survey 2021-22 projects coal demand in the range of 1.3 - 1.5 billion tonnes by 2030, an increase of 63 per cent from the current demand. Thus, as of now there is no scenario of energy transition away from coal affecting any stakeholder involved in coal mining.

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