Question : Development of Heavy Electrical Sector

(a) whether the Government has any scheme/proposal for promoting growth and development in the Heavy Electrical Sector; and
(b) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Madam, there is no scheme/proposal specific for Heavy Electrical Sector in Department of Heavy Industry. However, a scheme on ‘Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector’ has been launched which includes the Heavy Electrical Equipment as its sub sector.
(b): The Scheme on ‘Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector’ aims to make Indian capital goods industry globally competitive by addressing the issues of technological depth creation in the capital goods sector besides creating common engineering facility centres.
The Scheme envisages Government Budgetary Support of Rs.581.22 crore and Industry contribution of Rs.349.74 crore over a period of five years.
The Scheme has components consisting of infrastructural interventions as well as financial intervention to boost competitiveness of the domestic capital goods industry as under:
Infrastructural interventions:
• Setting up of Centers of Excellence (CoE) at Indian Institutes of Technologies/ Central Manufacturing Technology Institute for Technology Development in different sub sectors of Capital Goods. Government will fund up to 80% of the project cost subject to certain limit.
• Setting up of Integrated Industrial Infrastructure Facility (IIIF). Government will fund up to 80% of the project cost subject to certain limit.
• Setting up of common Engineering Facility Centers. Government will fund up to 80% of the project cost subject to certain limit.
• Setting up of Test and Certification Centre with full Government support.
Financial intervention:
• Technology Acquisition Fund Programme for acquisition of technology. Government support will be limited to 25% of the cost of technology acquisition subject to certain limit.


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