(a) Whether the Competent Authority initiated printing of copies of the encyclopaedia, Wealth of India – Raw Material, a publication of NISCAIR (CSIR) recently ;

(b) if so, the stock position of each volume of Wealth of India for the last three years, year-wise and category-wise in NISCAIR;

(c) the demand and sale of Wealth of India for the last three year years, volume-wise, category-wise and year-wise ; and

(d) the total number of scientists working exclusively for Wealth of India for the last three years, year-wise , designation-wise and category-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : Yes Sir.

(b)&(c) : The details regarding stock position , demand and sales of Wealth of India- Raw Materials (WOI) , during the last three years are given as under :

Sl. No.	Stock position as on 1st Jan.	Sales during the year (Jan.-Dec.)	Date of reprinting	2000	2001	2002	2000	2001	2002

1. Primary Series Vol. I - - - - - - - Vol. II - - - - - - - Vol.III - - - - - - - Vol.IV 271 164 70 107 92 70 14.1.2003 Vol.V 99 Nil 698 99 51 66 22.6.2001 Vol.VI 247 146 48 100 97 47 21.4.2003 Vol.VII 107 2 703 105 48 94 27.6.2003 Vol.VIII 210 108 23 102 84 23 21.4.2003 Vol.IX 277 163 70 114 92 70 21.4.2003 Vol.X 240 137 32 103 104 30 17.3.2003 Vol.XI 232 129 27 103 101 12 21.4.2003 Suppl. Fish & 138 45 3 93 42 3 07.4.2003 Fisheries Suppl.128 32 Nil 96 32 Nil 21.4.2003 Livestock/ Poultry
2. Revised Series
Vol.1 - 1A 251 51 Nil 199 51 Nil 21.3.2003 Vol.2 - 2B 1755 1640 1550 114 89 174 Vol.3 – 3Ca-Ci 2093 1983 1743 109 239 52
3. Supplement Series Vol. 1 (A-Ci) - 400 260 90 137 122 24.3.2000 Vol. 2 (Cl-Cy) - - 380 Nil 114 139 14.5.2001 Vol. 3 (D-I) - - - Nil Nil 117 26.6.2002

(d) : Break up of entire WOI team working for the WOI supplements and related areas is given as under :

S. No. Year 2000 2001 2002
1. Number of Scientists working Gr. IV(5) 3 Gr.IV(5) 3 Gr.IV(5) 2 Gr. IV(4) 12 Gr.IV(4) 12 Gr.IV(4) 10 Gr. IV(3) 1 Gr. IV(3) 1 Gr.IV(3) 1 Gr. IV(2) 3 Gr. IV(2) 3 Gr. IV(2) 2
Total = 19 Total = 19 Total = 15