(a) the average import price of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) that public and private importers have been paying monthly over the last one year on a month on month basis;

(b) the average selling price of imported LNG that PSUs have been charging bulk consumers on a month on month basis;

(c) the price at which cost gas and profit gas is allowed/paid to domestic gas producers under the Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) signed with various entities over the past ten years, contract-wise and public/private company-wise;

(d) the amount of revenue earned by the Government in the form of sale of profit gas, royalty, cess and tax during the last ten years along with the contribution of the gas sector to the Indian exchequer; and

(e) the estimated shale reserves available in the country along with the measures being taken by the Government to tap them?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): As per information available from GAIL(India) Ltd. and Petronet LNG Ltd. (PLL), the average import price of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imported by them during last one year ranged between US$ 8.75/MMBTU to US$ 16.50/MMBTU and was sold at a price upto US$ 16.80/MMBTU based on commercial considerations.

(c): The Company-wise/contract-wise details of gas sale price under the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) regime during the last ten years are enclosed as Annexure-I.

(d): The details of profit petroleum, royalty and cess paid to the Central Government and royalty paid to the concerned State Governments under the PSC regime, during the last ten years are as under:-

In Rs. Crore
Profit Petroleum Royalty Paid Royalty Paid Cess paid to Paid to Central to Central to State Central Govt. Govt. Govts. Govt.
2002-03 951.10 421.53 50.87 377.15 2003-04 1,462.85 532.36 54.05 401.11 2004-05 2,453.04 440.59 52.42 406.57 2005-06 4,046.52 545.11 43.50 398.53 2006-07 3,461.93 3,136.19 65.58 434.69 2007-08 4,151.81 3,527.38 71.72 523.21 2008-09 5,734.12 3,290.09 100.04 489.99 2009-10 5,470.71 3,933.84 228.87 577.48 2010-11 3,634.37 4,974.52 1,859.93 1,673.26 2011-12 7,383.85 4,725.40 3,600.31 1,978.90 Total 38750.31 25527.00 6127.29 7260.89

(e): Government has initiated action to identify potentially prospective areas of Shale Gas resources as well as to formulate a policy for its exploration and exploitation. Based on the identification of prospective areas and resource assessment and after formulating an appropriate policy, steps would be taken for exploration and exploitation of Shale Gas resources in the country.