(a) whether farmers are not getting any benefit of marketing facilities to sell their produce in market due to pressure from trades;

(b) the reaction of the Government thereto; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to provide marketing facilities to farmers?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): No, Sir. The State Governments provide marketing facilities to the farmers to sell their produce in the market yards established under their respective State Agricultural Marketing Regulation Acts. As on 31.3.2001 there were 34,598 wholesale and rural primary markets in the country. In addition, Food Corporation of India (FCI) and various State agencies in consultation with the State Governments establish a number of purchase centres at various mandis and key points to facilitate procurement of food grains. For the Rabi and Kharif marketing seasons of the year, 2000-01, 8110 and 6633 purchase centres were opened, respectively.

(c) Under a Central Sector scheme for development of agricultural produce markets, Government of India had provided funds during the period 1972-73 to 1991-92 for development of 3658 markets.

A Central Sector Scheme of Agricultural Marketing Information Network is being implemented to enable speedy collection and dissemination of market information/data for efficient and timely utilization by the farmers, traders,etc.

Under the Technology Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture in North- eastern States including Sikkim, grants are provided for development of wholesale markets, rural primary markets as well as for strengthening of laboratories for quality control in the region.

The Government had also constituted an Expert Committee to examine the existing marketing system in the country. The Expert Committee in its report has recommended several reforms for strengthening and developing of Agricultural Marketing in the country.

An inter-Ministerial Task Force has been constituted to examine the recommendations and suggest measures for implementation of the reforms suggested by the Expert Committee. The State Governments/Union Territory Administrations have also been requested to examine the recommendations of the Expert Committee and provide their feed back to the Task Force.