Question : Agricultural Water-use Efficiency

(a) whether Government is on track to meet the objective of irrigation to all farms, with improved on-farm water-use efficiency (more crop per drop) by 2022 as per the Niti Aayog Strategy for New India report;
(b) the number of irrigation projects sanctioned and completed, along with funds allocated and released for the same, year-wise from 2014 till date; and
(c) the reasons for poor performance of irrigation schemes, given that net irrigated area comprises only 49 per cent of the net sown area as per the Economic Survey of India 2021-22?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (c) With the motto of irrigation to all farms and improve on-farm water-use efficiency, Government is implementing Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) from the year 2015-16. The same objective also envisaged in the NITI Aayog Report on Strategy for New India @75.
Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR,RD&GR) is implementing Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) and HarKhetKoPani (HKKP) components of PMKSY which covers major, medium and minor irrigation projects. Under PMKSY, 99 prioritized Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) Projects including their Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) activities have been identified during 2016-17 for expeditious completion through Mission Mode by adopting innovative funding of creation of ‘Long Term Irrigation Fund’ under NABARD. Out of the identified 99 projects, 46 projects have been reported to be completed and an additional irrigation potential of 22.74 lakh ha has been created by these projects. Central Assistance (CA) released to States and potential created under both AIBP and CADWM components of prioritized 99 projects is at Annexure-I & II respectively.
Further, the State-wise details of Central Assistance released including Uttar Pradesh and potential achieved during last three years, under Repair, Renovation and Rejuvenation of Water Bodies (RRR) and Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI) sub components of PMKSY-HKKP is at Annexure-III and IV, respectively.

As per latest available reports, Net Area Sown in the Country is 139.35million hectare and out of which Net Irrigated Area is 71.55 million hectare. Further, Government is making consistent efforts for increasing coverage of irrigation in the Country through various irrigation projects. However, some of the constraints in implementation of irrigation schemes are; absence of hydraulic connectivity up to outlet, unwillingness of farmers due to loss of land for construction of field channels, ineffective irrigation management, operation and maintenance below Government controlled outlet, capacity related issues of implementing agencies & contractors / suppliers, State budget constraints, etc.

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