(a) whether the Government has put out its first ever Internet of Things(IoT) policy document;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the objective behind the move;

(c) whether this policy will help in Government’s plan to develop 100 smart cities in the country and if so, the details thereof;

(d) the other steps taken by the Government to connect and communicate with least human Interventions; and

(e) whether States are already using IoT based system in making monitoring mechanism more effective and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir.

(b): A draft policy on Internet of Things(IoT) has been formulated and has been put out for comments. The draft policy inter alia aims to create an IoT industry in India by USD 15 Billion by 2020. The draft policy lists out five pillars for various interventions to promote IoT in the country. These are:-

(i) Fiscal and Financial Incentives (ii) R&D and Innovation (iii) Capacity Building and Innovation

(iv) Setting up of Demonstration Projects
(v) Human Resource Development

(c): The policy inter alia proposes to set up a Demonstration Project of a Smart City which would cover concepts like:-

 #	Smart parking #	Intelligent transport system #	Remote health care #	Woman Safety #	Smart urban lighting #	Waste management #	Smart city maintenance #	Digital signage #	Water Management 
It is expected that Demonstration Project will help in the roll-out of IoT for smart cities.

(d): The Department of Telecommunications(DoT), has inter alia taken the following steps for Machine to Machine(M2M) communication:

i. DoT is committed to bring M2M roadmap including regulation towards communication infrastructure for mass rollout of M2M based services. Policy recommendations and M2M roadmap will be released in due course.

ii. Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC), the technical arm of DoT has in parallel started working on India specific M2M communications standards in line with evolving global standards.

(e): This Department does not keep record of the project being done at the state level.

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