Question : Introduction of New Technologies

(a) whether the Government proposes to introduce ‘Internet of Things’ like nextgen. technology, skill development and security under the new telecom policy and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government proposes to set up industry and open workshop at regional level under the new telecom policy, if so, the details thereof; and

(c) whether the Government has any plan to increase investment for network upgradation under the new policy, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The National Digital Communications Policy- 2018 (NDCP-2018) under the Mission ‘Propel India’ envisages enabling next generation technologies and services through investments, innovation and IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) generation. It aims to harness the power of emerging digital technologies, including 5G, AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things),Cloud and Big Data to enable provision of future ready products and services.

The NDCP- 2018 also envisages to train/ re-skill 1 million manpower for building new age skills as one of the 2022 goals. It strategizes to build human resource capital to facilitate employment opportunities in Digital Communications sector.

Under the Mission ‘Secure India’, the NDCP-2018 envisages to ensure sovereignty, safety and security of Digital Communications. It aims to secure the interests of citizens and safeguard the digital sovereignty of India with a focus on ensuring individual autonomy and choice, data ownership, privacy and security; while recognizing data as a crucial economic resource.

(b) The NDCP-2018 strategizes to maximize India’s contribution to global value chains, by focusing on domestic production, increasing exports and reducing the import burden. To promote local manufacturing, the policy envisages , inter alia, to introduce phased manufacturing program for identified product segments in Digital Communication technologies and incentivize global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)as well as generic component players to setup manufacturing base in India.

(c) One of the strategies under Mission ‘Propel India’ of NDCP-2018 is to catalyse investments for Digital Communications sector by according telecom infrastructure the status of critical and essential infrastructure, reforming the licencing and regulatory regime to promote ease of doing business, simplifying and facilitating compliance obligations.

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