Question : Development of Cities under AMRUT

(a) the number of cities from Maharashtra that have been included in the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and amount of financial assistance provided under the scheme in the year 2020-21;

(b) the development works undertaken under the AMRUT scheme in different cities of the country;

(c) whether the prescribed targets for different cities have been achieved under this scheme and if not, thereasons therefor;

(d) the details of funds allocated and spent under this scheme so far;

(e) the details of number of projects completed under AMRUT Scheme of the Government; and

(f) the details of number of projects awarded and the funds earmarked/invested under the Scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a): 44 cities of State of Maharashtra have been selected under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). Central Assistance of ?1,245.01 crore was released to Government of Maharashtra under AMRUT scheme during the financial year 2020-2021.

(b) & (c): The Mission focuses on development of basic infrastructure in the AMRUT cities in the sectors of water supply; sewerage and septage management; storm water drainage; green spaces and parks; and non-motorized urban transport. A set of Reforms and Capacity Building have also been included in the Mission.

Reforms and Capacity Development programmes of AMRUT have already been completed. However, implementation of projects have delayed due to various reasons such as long gestation period of large infrastructure projects, country-wide lockdown imposed due to Covid-19 pandemic and interruption of work due to natural calamities etc.

So far, out of the grounded projects worth ?79,994 crore, works worth around ?52,000 crore have been physically completed.

Further, against the target to provide 139 lakh water tap connections to achieve universal coverage in AMRUT cities, 107 lakh new water tap connections have been provided under AMRUT and in convergence of other Schemes.

Further, against the target to provide sewer connections/ septage facilities to 145 lakh households in AMRUT cities, 79 lakh households have been provided new sewer connections/ septage facilities under AMRUT and in convergence with other Schemes.

(d): Total central outlay under AMRUT is ?50,000 crore, of which ?35,990 crore has been allocated for Central Assistance to States/ Union Territories (UTs) for AMRUT projects. So far, funds amounting to ?32,534 crore have been released as Central Assistance (CA) under AMRUT to the States/UTs, of which ?26,298crore has been released for AMRUT projects.

(e) & (f): So far,5,740 projects have been awarded by States /UTs under AMRUT scheme, of these 3,613 projects have been completed.

The State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs) for AMRUT projects amounting to ?77,640 crore have been approved for all the States/ UTs for the entire Mission period, which includes ?35,990 crore of committed Central Assistance.


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