Question : Benefits of Schemes to Intended Beneficiaries

(a) whether the Government has noted that funds provided to the States under various schemes with a view to give facilities and assistance/benefits to the common people are not reaching the intended beneficiaries;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the names of such schemes; and
(c) whether the Government has any monitoring mechanism in place to monitor and ensure the proper utilisation of the allotted funds and fix responsibility in such cases and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The programmes of the Central Government have inbuilt mechanism to ensure delivery to the intended target groups, which include, inter alia, involvement of local bodies in implementation and monitoring through management information systems, etc. The release of central funds is made on the basis of utilization certificates (UCs) submitted by the implementing agencies and submission of audited accounts with regard to funds releases in the previous year. Online tracking of funds has been introduced in major programmes. Besides, Monitoring and Vigilance Committees and Performance Review Committees exist in many Programme Divisions to ensure utilization of funds in accordance with the programme guidelines. Many recent initiatives of the Government like Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) and JAM (Jan-Dhan, Aadhar & Mobile) Trinity ensures proper utilization of funds and minimize leakage of funds in various entitlement programmes..


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