(a) & (b) Anganwadi Services Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by the States / UTs as per the guidelines/instructions issued by Government of India.All the issues pertaining to implementation of the scheme including the enrolment and recruitment of the Anganwadi staff rests with the concerned States/UTs.As per norms, one post of Anganwadi Worker and one post of Anganwadi Helper is sanctioned for main Anganwadi Centres (AWCs). For Mini-AWCs only one post of AWW is sanctioned.No large discrepancy has been reported by the States/UTs this year.The number of children enrolled and Anganwadi staff employed in different States/UTs during 2011-16 and 2016-18 is at Annexure-I and Annexure-II.
(c) The ICDS Scheme has an in-built monitoring system since its inception to track the physical progress of the scheme through a standardized Management Information System (MIS), regular reporting on monthly, quarterly and half yearlybasis.
Further, 5-tier monitoring and review mechanism has been introduced at different levels (National/ State/ District/ Block and Anganwadi level) to review progress in implementation of the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
(d) The beneficiaries under the Anganwadi Services Scheme are identified on the basis of Aadhaar which is used as identity document for delivery of services or benefits. The beneficiaries not possessing Aadhaar card are assisted by the field functionaries to obtain the Aadhaar card, till they get the Aadhaar card, the services are provided on the basis of alternative identification document.
Government has taken steps to improve the infrastructural facilities of centres for the betterment of children enrolled under the scheme. Joint guidelines for construction of 4 lakhs Anganwadi Centre (AWC) buildings across the country in convergence with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNERGS) were issued on 17.02.2016. In addition, under 14th Finance Commission period, drinking water and sanitation facilities at AWCs are provided from the funds available with Panchayti Raj Institutions. Number of Anganwadi Centres having toilet facilities have increased from 8.68 lakhs to 9.46 lakhs during 2016-17 to 2018-19 and number of Anganwadi Centres having drinking water facilities have increased from 10.16 Lakhs to 11.76 Lakhs for the aforesaid period.Also, the Government has revised the cost norms for supplementary nutrition in October, 2017 under the Anganwadi Services as per the details given below:
S. No. Categories Old rates
Revised rates
(per beneficiary per day)
1. Children (6-72 months) Rs.6.00 Rs.8.00
2. Severely malnourished children (6-72 months) Rs.9.00 Rs.12.00
3. Pregnant women and Nursing mothers Rs.7.00 Rs.9.50
Sl. No. State/UT Year: 2011-12 Year: 2012-13 Year: 2013-14 Year: 2014-15 Year: 2015-16 Year: 2016-17 Year: 2017-18
Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years) Total Children (6 months - 6 years)
1 Andhra Pradesh 4315832 4472553 4580184 2382866 2631659 2575806 2361549
2 Telangana 1691079 1574455 1518128 1457408
3 Arunachal Pradesh 215375 232454 219308 222956 226323 206669 189060
4 Assam 3243711 2211002 3310885 3310885 3310885 3310885 3562673
5 Bihar 3507877 3507877 11156637 9967439 9892618 9892618 4940640
6 Chhattisgarh 1996271 2467731 2055307 2055307 2055307 1963485 2013902
7 Goa 53229 58901 58844 57419 58719 57584 56630
8 Gujarat 3017227 3099078 2820891 3185697 3269470 3141989 3104693
9 Haryana 1141025 1100246 1106082 1105095 996751 924226 883607
10 Himachal Pradesh 427720 435251 445472 458955 449511 449087 427449
11 Jammu & Kashmir 442597 634698 356434 295039 295039 845074 731676
12 Jharkhand 2352528 2412819 2675019 2840711 2961485 3180362 2634116
13 Karnataka 3566854 3865169 3882798 3997286 3997286 3997286 4036695
14 Kerala 872194 855569 857156 856427 874831 699638 747654
15 Madhya Pradesh 5803701 7273807 5974270 5935835 5526328 6291588 6607796
16 Maharashtra 6158242 6148056 6126308 5983249 5940882 5585804 5312961
17 Manipur 3309494 355176 355176 355176 355176 355176 340984
18 Meghalaya 351678 356233 440775 440399 468579 476923 489738
19 Mizoram 123036 127780 81048 77974 109179 80360 155222
20 Nagaland 379600 224700 302049 302940 292059 289575 287537
21 Orissa 3917351 3919643 3910216 3872777 3823385 3823385 3918422
22 Punjab 1102360 1047909 1006705 937773 945504 888728 671496
23 Rajasthan 3008169 2938576 3057502 2868934 2781462 2744718 2616106
24 Sikkim 29004 21664 32995 23288 25316 25316 30500
25 Tamil Nadu 2726805 2461149 2441337 2452140 2452506 2448525 2394243
26 Tripura 302062 300845 300257 299116 299116 314957 344859
27 Uttar Pradesh 18703190 18725118 18847563 18445336 19126779 16043369 14334752
28 Uttrakhand 99735 243508 628209 632102 684721 663207 607332
29 West Bengal 6832574 6887136 6894019 6871904 6631338 6462646 6117637
30 A & N Islands 16203 14439 13970 12550 12781 12065 10568
31 Chandigarh 38414 41281 40616 55806 53188 50770 47506
32 Delhi 893272 910775 908176 846467 697158 697158 451407
33 Dadra & N Haveli 15130 15130 18407 19725 19379 19008 19363
34 Daman & Diu 5739 5543 4027 6308 6308 6308 5150
35 Lakshadweep 5219 4756 4652 4652 4652 4652 3450
36 Puducherry 31910 27707 27307 27812 28781 26398 26936
TOTAL 79005328 77404279 84940601 82899424 82878916 80073473 71941717
Status posts of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers sanctioned and in-position during the year 2011-18
Sl. No. State/UT 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position
1 Andhra Pradesh 91307 82217 80481 74402 91307 84158 80481 74837 91307 85761 80481 75718
2 Arunachal Pradesh 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028
3 Assam 62153 57656 56728 54869 62153 58118 56728 55261 62153 62153 56728 56728
4 Bihar 91968 80211 86528 80211 91968 81677 86528 81022 91968 91677 86528 86237
5 Chhattisgarh 64390 47331 55709 40734 64390 48798 55709 42119 64390 48901 55709 42523
6 Goa 1262 1253 1262 1255 1262 1251 1262 1255 1262 1245 1262 1250
7 Gujarat 52137 48521 50552 46390 52137 48648 50552 46048 52137 48648 50552 46048
8 Haryana 25962 17445 25450 17060 25962 24867 25450 24267 25962 25078 25450 24681
9 Himachal Pradesh 18925 18185 18386 17981 18925 18340 18386 18007 18925 18763 18386 18206
10 Jammu & Kashmir 28577 25954 28577 26045 28577 28483 28577 28483 28577 28483 28577 28483
11 Jharkhand 38296 36278 35745 33357 38432 36435 35745 33340 38432 34362 35745 31604
12 Karnataka 64518 61148 61187 55919 64518 62828 61187 58600 64518 63159 61187 59110
13 Kerala 33115 33013 32986 32839 33115 33083 32986 32918 33115 33090 32986 32975
14 Madhya Pradesh 90999 88877 78929 76188 92230 90248 78929 77864 92230 84940 78929 77450
15 Maharashtra 110486 101186 97475 89372 110486 104847 97475 90198 110486 105118 97475 92252
16 Manipur 11510 9883 9958 9587 11510 10274 9958 9497 11510 10274 9958 9497
17 Meghalaya 5156 3878 3922 3879 5156 3915 3922 3915 5864 3922 4630 3920
18 Mizoram 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 2244 1969 2244 1893
19 Nagaland 3455 3455 3455 3455 3455 3455 3455 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455
20 Orissa 72873 65593 62657 57720 72873 66354 62657 57921 72873 68400 62657 59337
21 Punjab 26656 26222 25436 24949 26656 26402 25436 25106 26656 26408 25436 25075
22 Rajasthan 61119 57374 54915 52141 61119 57897 54915 52431 61119 58308 54915 52054
23 Sikkim 1233 1208 1233 1194 1233 1225 1233 1209 1308 1223 1308 1214
24 Tamil Nadu 55020 47091 50080 41467 55542 47531 50080 42430 55542 46557 50080 41348
25 Tripura 9911 9906 9911 9906 9911 9906 9911 9906 9911 9911 9911 9911
26 Uttar Pradesh 187517 177775 165331 159792 188259 177509 165331 156463 188259 176221 165331 154665
27 Uttrakhand 23159 16794 18039 11903 23159 18492 18039 13401 23159 18918 18039 13737
28 West Bengal 117170 105954 117170 100406 117170 107107 117170 101968 117170 107486 117170 102933
29 A & N Islands 720 699 689 680 720 705 689 685 720 710 689 689
30 Chandigarh* 500 420 500 420 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
31 Delhi** 11150 10517 11150 10517 11150 10828 11150 10874 11150 10806 11150 10897
32 Dadra & N Haveli 267 246 233 220 267 246 233 220 281 262 247 220
33 Daman & Diu 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 102 107 100
34 Lakshadweep 107 107 96 96 107 107 96 96 107 107 96 96
35 Puducherry 788 788 788 788 788 788 788 788 788 788 788 788
Total 1370718 1245300 1253870 1143857 1373349 1273137 1253870 1163199 1374935 1283733 1255456 1171622
Status posts of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers sanctioned and in-position during the year 2011-18
Sl. No State/UT 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position Sanctioned In-position
1 Andhra Pradesh 55607 53561 48768 46321 55607 54248 48768 45828 55607 53927 48768 44774 55607 53951 48768 44828
2 Telangana 35700 33518 31711 29320 35700 33284 31711 28802 35700 33152 31711 28285 35700 33575 31711 28820
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6028 6225 6225 6225 6225 6225 6225 6225 6225
4 Assam 62153 62153 56728 56728 62153 62153 56728 56728 62153 62153 56728 56728 62153 62153 56728 56728
5 Bihar 115009 85354 107894 76776 115009 85980 107894 80176 115009 85980 107894 80176 115009 88174 107894 81130
6 Chhattisgarh 52474 48901 46660 42523 52474 48632 46660 42329 52474 48770 46660 42407 52474 49253 46660 42366
7 Goa 1262 1230 1262 1241 1262 1233 1262 1225 1262 1241 1262 1241 1262 1208 1262 1153
8 Gujarat 53029 50610 51229 47860 53029 50515 51229 47704 53029 51491 51229 48545 53029 51595 51229 48710
9 Haryana 25962 25078 25450 24681 25962 25078 25450 24681 25962 25373 25450 24921 25962 25347 25450 24891
10 Himachal Pradesh 18925 18771 18386 18155 18925 18619 18386 18049 18925 18743 18386 18149 18925 18716 18386 18131
11 Jammu & Kashmir 31938 28707 31938 29599 31938 28707 31938 29599 31938 28707 31938 29599 31938 28707 31938 29599
12 Jharkhand 38432 35731 35881 32795 38432 35765 35881 33493 38432 35424 35881 33117 38432 35424 35881 33117
13 Karnataka 65911 63186 62580 59026 65911 63186 62580 59026 65911 63186 62580 59026 65911 63186 62580 59026
14 Kerala 33318 33110 33189 32956 33318 33110 33189 32971 33318 33102 33189 32953 33318 33102 33189 32953
15 Madhya Pradesh 97135 90430 84465 78488 97135 91273 84465 79028 97135 94413 84465 82078 97135 97133 84465 84465
16 Maharashtra 110486 105262 97475 92128 110486 105754 97475 92128 110486 107006 97475 92292 110486 107170 97475 92179
17 Manipur 11510 10274 9958 9497 11510 10274 9958 9497 11510 10274 9958 9497 11510 10274 9958 9497
18 Meghalaya 5896 5309 4630 4003 5896 5861 4630 4623 5896 5893 4630 4630 5896 5895 4630 4628
19 Mizoram 2244 2244 2244 2157 2244 2244 2244 2157 2244 2244 2244 2157 2244 2244 2244 2157
20 Nagaland 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455 3980 3455
21 Orissa 74154 68865 63738 59507 74154 68980 63738 59620 74154 69625 63738 60168 74154 69625 63738 60168
22 Punjab 27314 26177 26074 25035 27314 26355 26074 25096 27314 26402 26074 24983 27314 26462 26074 24772
23 Rajasthan 62010 58452 55806 51831 62010 58112 55806 50976 62010 58744 55806 52257 62010 58744 55806 52257
24 Sikkim 1308 1275 1308 1274 1308 1289 1308 1285 1308 1289 1308 1285 1308 1289 1308 1285
25 Tamil Nadu 54439 44037 49499 39376 54439 40901 49499 37125 54439 38827 49499 35154 54439 38827 49499 35154
26 Tripura 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911 10145 9911
27 Uttar Pradesh 190145 176059 167855 154122 190145 174775 167855 153153 190145 174477 167855 152201 190145 173383 167855 150543
28 Uttrakhand 20067 18978 14947 13953 20067 18967 14947 13874 20067 18755 14947 13964 20067 19056 14947 13906
29 West Bengal 119481 107916 119481 102503 119481 108211 119481 102015 119481 107872 119481 101503 119481 107514 119481 101651
30 A & N Islands 720 710 689 689 720 720 689 689 720 720 689 689 720 720 689 689
31 Chandigarh 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 450 500 500 500 465 500 433
32 Delhi 11150 10806 11150 10897 11150 10806 11150 10897 11150 10806 11150 10897 11150 9796 11150 10744
33 Dadra & N Haveli 302 262 247 220 302 302 247 220 302 302 247 220 302 302 247 233
34 Daman & Diu 107 96 107 102 107 96 107 102 107 102 107 102 107 102 107 102
35 Lakshadweep 107 107 96 96 107 107 96 96 107 107 96 96 107 107 96 96
36 Puducherry 855 788 855 788 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855 855
Total 1400000 1287851 1283150 1164541 1400000 1286286 1283150 1163941 1400000 1290003 1283150 1165040 1400000 1293945 1283150 1166857
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