(a) whether the National Programme on Biomass Power/Co-generation from Bagasse has been started;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the quantity of power generated from these materials;

(c) whether 273 MW and 210 MW power are likely to be harnessed from Biomass and Co-generation respectively;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken to improve the generation of power from Biomass and Bagasse?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes Sir. National Programmes on Bagasse Co-generation and Biomass Power were initiated during the 8th Plan. The Programmes provide for Central Financial Assistance for various types of projects, and promotional incentives for preparation of Detailed Project Reports, training, awareness creation etc. Biomass Resource Assessment Studies are also being supported to assist in project development.

A total capacity of 420 MW has so far been installed under the Programmes comprising 280 MW from Bagasse Co-generation in sugar mills and 140 MW from Biomass Power projects.

(c)&(d): Bagasse Co-generation projects of 299 MW capacity and Biomass Power projects of 189 MW capacity are under implementation and are scheduled for commissioning within the next two years. A target of 700 MW has been fixed for the 10th Plan and a goal of 3000 MW is envisaged for 2012.

(e): The States have been requested to introduce conducive policies and provide remunerative Power Purchase Agreements for Bagasse Co-generation and Biomass Power projects. Soft loans are provided by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA). Other Financial Institutions have also been requested to finance these projects on favourable terms. Biomass Resource Assessment efforts are being intensified with a view to estimate the potential in various States and to identify suitable locations where adequate biomass is available for setting up of these projects. Efforts will be made in the 10th Plan to remove various bottlenecks and accelerate the exploitation of the potential for generation of surplus power in cooperative and public sector sugar mills.