Question : Housing for All

(a) whether the Government has proposed for housing for all by 2025 targetting slum rehabilitation of slum dwellers by providing pucca construction;

(b) if so, the report on slums in top ten metros for the period from 2015 to 2020 and the steps taken for promotion of affordable housing for weaker section during this period therein; and

(c) the time by which time the Government would provide sustainable housing to all slum dwellers through its rehabilitation programme and the details of timeline set for the purpose?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Land and Colonialization are State subjects. Therefore, schemes related to housing for weaker section including slum dwellers are being implemented by State/Union Territories (UTs). However, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is supplementing the efforts of States/UTs by providing Central Assistance under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U) for construction of houses for all eligible families/beneficiaries. Eligible beneficiaries including slum dwellers can avail the benefit of PMAY-U through any of the four verticals i.e. Beneficiary-led Construction, Affordable House in Partnership, In-Situ Slum Redevelopment and Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme.

PMAY-U Mission is being implemented with an aim to provide all weather pucca house with all basic amenities to all eligible beneficiaries/families including slum dwellers across the country. Under PMAY-U, so far 115 Lakhs houses have been sanctioned in all urban areas including top 10 metros, out of which more than 55 lakh have been completed/delivered to the beneficiaries and remaining houses are in various stages of construction/grounding. The Ministry has advised States/UTs to expedite the construction of sanctioned houses so that these are completed within the stipulated timeline.
The details of affordable houses sanctioned for weaker sections including slum dwellers during 2015-2020 under PMAY-U in top 10 metro cities are at Annexure.


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