(a) whether the Government has set up a National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF);

(b) if so, the details of aims and objectives envisaged therein;

(c) whether any study has been conducted by the Government to evaluate the performance of the fund; and

(d) if so, the outcome thereof and the steps taken/being taken by the Government in this regard ?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in Ministry of Finance SHRI NAMO NARAIN MEENA

(a) Yes Sir, the Government has set up a National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) in April, 2011.

(b) The National Clean Energy Fund is to be used for funding research and innovative projects in clean energy technologies. Any project/scheme aimed at innovative methods to adopt clean energy technology and research and development is eligible for funding under the NCEF.

(c) So far, no study has been conducted by the Government to evaluate the performance of the Fund. However, provision to do so is available as per para 2.4 of O.M. No.16(5)/PF-II/2010 dated 18th April, 2011 .

(d) Not applicable.