Question : Defence Cooperation between India and Japan

(a) whether the Defence Minister of Japan has visited India recently;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the issues discussed during the said visit;

(c) the agreements signed between the two countries along with the terms and conditions thereto; and

(d) the steps taken / being taken by the Government for cooperation in Defence equipment and technology between the two countries?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Defence Minister of Japan Mr Gen Nakatani visited India on 14th July, 2016. Bilateral discussions covered a range a defence related issues, focussing on measures to take forward the defence partnership between the two countries.

(c) & (d): No Agreements were signed between the two countries during the visit. However, an Agreement concerning Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology was signed with Japan on 12 December 2015.

A Joint Working Group on Defence Equipment and Technology (JWG-DETC) between Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defence (MoD), Japan and the Department of Defence Production, MoD, India handles issues related to defence productions and technologies. Both sides are working towards identifying the areas of cooperation. The first meeting of JWG-DETC was held in Japan in March, 2015. The second meeting is scheduled to be held in India in August, 2016.


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