Question : Installation of Radars at Airports

(a) whether the Union Government has taken any steps to monitor the entire Indian air space with radars in view of the increased terrorist threat in the aftermath of recent terror attacks;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the present radars which are installed at airports to monitor air traffic are not of standard quality; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government to install sophisticated radars at airports in the country?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION

(Shri Jayant Sinha)

(a) & (b): Airports Authority of India (AAI) has installed Radars at various airports and other locations to monitor the entire Indian Airspace for the purpose of providing a safe, expeditious and orderly flow of air traffic. The radar data feed of the civil radars is also shared with Indian Air Force (IAF) for enhancing the safety and security of Indian skies.;

(c) & (d) : No, Madam. The Radars installed at airports to monitor Air Traffic are of standard quality.

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