(a) whether the Central and State Government are losing revenue due to illegal coal mining;

(b) if so, the details of the revenue loss incurred as a result thereof during the last one year and the current year, State-wise; and

(c) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to check this illegal activity;

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b) : Illegal mining of coal are carried out stealthily and clandestinely. As such, it is not possible to specify the exact number of incidences, quantum of coal stolen and losses incurred on account of illegal mining of coal. However, as per raids conducted by security personnel as well as joint raids with the law and order authorities of the concerned State Government, the quantity of coal recovered and its approximate value during the last year and current year upto June, 2012 are as under :-

Company	State	2011-12	2012-2013 upto June’2012	Qty.	Approx	Qty.	Approx.	Recovered	Value	Recovered	Value	(te)	(Rs.Lakh)	(Te)	(Rs. Lakh)
Eastern W. Bengal 644.00 12.880 0.00 0.000 Coalfields Jharkhand 23.42 0.468 0.00 0.000 Limited
Bharat Jharkhand 1182.30 23.918 227.73 4.558 Coking Coal W. Bengal 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Limited
Central Jharkhand 62.00 0.620 0.00 0.000 Coalfields Ltd.
Northern Uttar Pradesh/ 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Coalfields Madhya Pradesh Ltd.
Western Maharashtra 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Coalfields Madhya Pradesh 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Limited
South Eastern Madhya Pradesh/ 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Coalfields ChhatishGarh Ltd.
Mahanadi Orissa 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Coalfields Ltd
North-Eastern Assam 203.86 9.930 0.00 0.000 Coalfields
Coal India 2115.58 47.817 227.73 4.558 Limited

(c) Law and Order is a State subject, hence primarily it is the responsibility of the State/District Administration to take necessary deterrent action to stop/curb illegal mining. However, the Government has taken the following steps to stop / curb illegal mining:

(i) Based on the decisions taken in the meeting held on 17.05.2005 between Secretary (Coal) and Chief Secretary (Jharkhand), Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL) and Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BCCL) have taken up action to check illegal mining. Joint action for prevention of illegal mining has been initiated by the management of coal companies and District Administration. Government of Jharkhand has constituted State as well as District level Task Forces for this purpose.

(ii) Minister of State (I/C) for Coal also had meetings with the Chief Minister, West Bengal on 24.06.2009 and with His Excellency, the Governor of Jharkhand on 26.05.2009 to request the concerned State Governments to check/curb the illegal mining activities under their respective States.

(iii) Chief Secretaries of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal were requested on 1.12.2011to frame rules and set up an Inter-State Joint Intelligence and Action force to combat the problem of illegal mining and for having better coordination.

(iv) The Secretary (Coal) has written to the Chief Secretaries, Chairman, CIL and CMDs of all subsidiary companies vide letters dated 7.9.2009, 1.12.2011 & 11.9.2012 of the coal producing States requesting them to put in place effective mechanism to check illegal mining. The States were also asked to give appropriate direction to the concerned authorities to take effective steps to check such illegal activities at places where large scale illegal mining was believed to be taken place. The State Governments were also advised to consider framing of suitable Rules, if not already done under the provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 to strengthen the hands of District authorities in curbing such illegal activities.