Question : Apportionment of Manpower between UT Ladakh & UT JK

(a) whether the Government has completed the apportionment and allocation of man power between the UT Ladakh and UT J&K among the employees working at the Sher-I-Kashmir institutes of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Saura Srinagar in particular and employees of erstwhile J&K in general;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) if not, the reason thereof and the steps taken by the Government to complete this process;

(d) the time by which the Government will be able to complete this apportionment and allocation of man power to UT Ladakh?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): Apportionment of manpower between Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir and Union territory of Ladakh is governed in terms of Section 89 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019 in respect of substantive Government employees. The apportionment of such category of employees has been finalized where under 11189 employees have been apportioned to Union territory of Ladakh.
Further, the apportionment of employees of autonomous bodies, public sector undertakings, agencies etc, is governed in terms of Section 92 of the said Act, which provides for determining the modalities for distributing the personnel between the successor Union Territories by the concerned bodies. The Sher-I-Kashmir institutes of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Saura, Srinagar is an Autonomous Tertiary Healthcare Institute. There is no equivalent organization in the UT of Ladakh to accommodate the employees of the SKIMS and hence, the apportionment of manpower of the employees of the Institute, in terms of Section 92 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019, may not be feasible.

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